News | 4 October 2018

Britain accuses Russia of cyber terrorism +++ Putin-Kurz meeting +++ Migration talks open in Vienna

Britain accuses Russia of cyber terrorism +++ Putin-Kurz meeting +++ Migration talks open in Vienna +++ Millionaire held in journalist’s murder +++ US Senate to receive Kavanaugh report +++ The weather

News | 4 October 2018

Joe Remick

Britain accuses Russia of cyber terrorism

Britain says it believes Russia’s military intelligence agency was behind a series of cyber attacks around the world in recent years. The agency is also thought to have been behind a nerve agent attack earlier this year on a former Russian spy and his daughter in Salisbury, England. Ways to counter cyber terrorism are the focus of talks today at NATO headquarters in Brussels. Gavin Williams is the British defence secretary:
“We are actually going to make it clear where Russia acts that we are going to be exposing that action and we believe that, by doing so, this will be acting at a disincentive for acting in such a way in the future.”

Putin-Kurz meeting

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is in Russia. Last night he met in St. Petersburg with President Vladimir Putin. It was the fourth meeting this year between the two leaders. Their meeting focused on energy issues and on the bilateral ties between Moscow and the European Union. Some members of the Austrian government have called for an end to Western sanctions imposed on Russia following its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.

Migration talks open in Vienna

A two-day conference on migration has opened in Vienna. Austria, Denmark and other smaller EU member states have been discussing the possibility of sending rejected asylum seekers to so-called “return centres” outside the EU. The meeting is also expected to address calls by Austria, Germany and others to strengthen Frontex, the agency which monitors the EU’s external borders.

Millionaire held in journalist’s murder

Media in Bratislava are reporting that a wealthy Slovakian businessman may have been behind the murders of investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée earlier this year. The 55-year old businessman is in police custody. Kuciak wrote about the man’s financial activities shortly before his murder.

US Senate to receive Kavanaugh report

The US Senate today is expected to receive an FBI report on allegations of sexual misconduct against the US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. An initial Senate vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination is expected tomorrow with a final vote expected over the weekend.

The weather

This afternoon’s weather will be mostly sunny with partly cloudy conditions in the southeast. Highs today are ranging from 14 to 21 degrees.
