Fixing the Future
Fixing the Future
German version

Fixing the Future

We are looking for innovative concepts or ongoing projects that provide solutions for tomorrow's society. Tell us in a short film what you do that is new and different.

Please answer the following questions:
  • Who are you?
  • What is the problem?
  • What are you doing that’s new/different?
Formal Criteria:
  • Text: 1000 characters maximum
  • Film: maximum three minutes, in landscape format
  • Production: amateur recordings in the style of mobile phone clips are fine. Please ensure we can hear and understand your words.
  • In English, or with English subtitles
  • The film must be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo beforehand to be able to submit it (via ID).

Geo location

Please provide a postcode that matches your submission. By doing so, your contribution can be located on an interactive map.

Your contact details (will not be displayed)

According to the ORF Act, we may only provide you with this service if you disclose your identity by giving your first name, surname and home address. (ORF Act, § 4f, ABS 2, Z 23). You can either do this directly in the course of the upload or register as a user in the ORF community. If you are already a member of the ORF community, please log in if you want to upload texts, audios or images or rate them. Contributions for which this function is activated, can only be rated once per user. Multiple votes are possible. Please note that first-time log-ins to the ORF community can only be processed or activated on weekdays. Activation may take some time.