

28. April 2021, 23:10

Crea+ von

At Crea +, we have proposed to contribute to transforming society and building the country in which we want to live. And for this, we believe that our children must discover their talents and dedicate to what they are passionate about. In this way, they can grow up inspired, motivated and happy.

For this reason and through 10 years, Crea + has had the mission of allowing children from vulnerable backgrounds to discover their talent and find their passion during their school years. To achieve this, we have built a professional volunteering program in which young people and adults donate their talents, hobbies and professions through face-to-face and virtual classes that they share with students from all over Peru.

We want more children to believe in themselves to achieve their dreams. That moves us and has led us to offer more than 30 thousand free classes with 300 different themes such as mini engineers, mini chef, mini architects, singing, scientific experiments, veterinary medicine, fun, football, sailor, drawing, ceramics, athletics and many more.

By doing so, our professional volunteers, whom we call Creandos, learn, question themselves, and allow themselves to explore new possibilities. This is how we achieve a double transformation.

We can all contribute to the education of thousands of children and thus, help them find their passion, be happy and, with that happiness, transform the world.


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