
News in English

Papal conclave resumes / MEPs reject budget / Syrian children´s plight / Executions in Saudi Arabia / The PKK frees hostages / Europe travel chaos / The weather.


Papal conclave resumes

Roman Catholic cardinals are continuing the process of selecting a new Pope, after the first three inconclusive votes signalled by black smoke coming from a chimney on the roof of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. They will hold four votes a day until at least two thirds of them agree on a single candidate.

MEPs reject budget

Lawmakers at the European Parliament in Strasbourg have reportedly rejected the European Union's proposed 960 billion euro budget, which envisages spending cuts for the first time in the EU's history. The seven-year budget plan was brokered at a summit of EU leaders last month, after two days of nearly round-the-clock negotiations. Parliament and government representatives will now seek to negotiate a compromise proposal before the summer.

Syrian children´s plight

A new report by the aid agency Save the Children says two million children in Syria are facing malnutrition, disease and severe trauma in the wake of the country's two year old conflict. Nicole Itano from Save the Children has called for a redoubling of efforts to end the fighting: "The international community should come together and come up with a plan, because we all know this conflict needs to end, that the toll - particularly on children - is horrific and every day this conflict continues more children are dying, more children are being injured and more children are witnessing and seeing things that no child should ever have to see." Meanwhile, a member of the European Union's delegation in Syria has reportedly been killed in a rocket attack on a suburb of the capital, Damascus. The EU says Ahmad Shihadeh died while giving humanitarian help to people in the suburb of Derayya, where he lived.

Executions in Saudi Arabia

Seven men have reportedly been executed in Saudi Arabia for an armed robbery committed when they were under the age of 18. The executions came despite an appeal for clemency by United Nations human rights investigators. The seven had been due to die last week, but were granted a stay of execution while the authorities reviewed their case.

The PKK frees hostages

The Kurdish militant group, the PKK, has reportedly released eight Turkish hostages it had been holding in northern Iraq for two years. The move is being seen as part of efforts to end the three-decade conflict between the PKK and the Turkish government.

Europe travel chaos

Freezing conditions are continuing to disrupt transport in north-western Europe, although the heavy snowfall has eased for now. Large parts of northern France have been placed on ice alert. Frankfurt airport had to cancel more flights on Wednesday, after some 3,000 passengers remained stranded overnight.

The weather

Mostly overcast, with rain or snowfall moving in from the southwest. Top temperatures today from one to 11.
