
News in English

Soldier killed by suspected terrorists in London /
Christine Lagarde back in court / Sweden sees a fourth night of rioting / Amnesty International releases its annual report / Militant attacks in Niger / The weather


Soldier killed by suspected terrorists in London

The British Prime Minister David Cameron has been chairing an emergency meeting of the government´s crisis committee Cobra, after a British serviceman was hacked to death in a suspected terrorist attack in south-east London. Eyewitnesses say the man was attacked with meat cleavers and knives in broad daylight near a military barracks. One of the attackers was filmed by a passer-by, saying he carried out the attack because British soldiers killed Muslims every day. The London mayor, Boris Johnson, says neither Islam nor UK foreign policy were to blame for the attack: "The fault lies wholly and exclusively in the warped and deluded mind-set of the people who did it." The two suspects were wounded by police in a shootout at the scene and are now under armed guard in hospital.

Christine Lagarde back in court

The managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, has been questioned at a court in Paris over a pay-out to a business tycoon during her time as the French finance minister. She is being asked to explain her handling of a long-running legal dispute which resulted in some €400 million being paid to Bernard Tapie, a supporter of the then French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, in 2007.

Sweden sees a fourth night of rioting

There's been a fourth night of rioting in immigrant suburbs of Sweden´s capital Stockholm - with the latest unrest also spreading to the southern city of Malmo. It appears to have been started by the police killing of a 69-year-old man armed with a machete, which prompted accusations of police brutality. It´s also put the spotlight on issues like youth unemployment, jobs and housing.

Amnesty International releases its annual report

Meanwhile, Amnesty International says the world has become an increasingly dangerous place for refugees and migrants. In its annual report, the group expressed particular concern about Greece, Italy and Hungary. It also accused the international community of a quote "spectacular failure" to stop the conflict in Syria.

Militant attacks in Niger

Two suicide bombers have reportedly blown themselves up at a military base and a French-owned uranium mine in northern Niger. 17 soldiers are said to have been killed in a gun battle with Islamist militants after the bombing. 13 mine employees were injured. They´re the first suicide attacks in Niger since a French-led offensive in January to oust Islamist rebels from neighbouring Mali.

The weather

Mostly overcast with some rain, especially along the north of the Alps, but also some sunshine. Snow is possible above the 1,000 metre mark. Highs today ranging from 9 to 18.
