
News in English

EU discusses arms embargo on Syria / Israel investigates “rocket” reports / Merkel moves to avoid China trade war / Paris protest against same-sex marriage / Cannes Film Festival winners / Otto Mühl dies, aged 87 / The Weather

EU discusses arms embargo on Syria

European Union foreign ministers are meeting in Brussels to discuss British and French calls to ease sanctions on Syria, so that weapons can be supplied to "moderate" forces in the opposition. The current sanctions regime is due to expire at the end of this week.Austria is one of several EU states opposed to ending the arms embargo. The Austrian foreign minister, Michael Spindelegger, says the EU should be impartial: "We have always been, in conflicts, not on the one or other side concerning delivering weapons. We are a peace community and we would like to stay as a peace community. "Austria is also concerned for the safety of the United Nations peacekeeping force on the Golan Heights between Israel and Syria, which includes a large contingent of Austrian troops.

Israel investigates “rocket” reports

The Israeli military says it is investigating reports that a rocket has been fired from southern Lebanon towards Israel, although no launch was detected and there were no reports of any damage. On Sunday two rockets were fired into an area of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, which is controlled by the Islamist Hezbollah movement. Several people were injured. The Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah had earlier pledged that his group would fight in Syria until President Bashar al-Assad is victorious.

Merkel moves to avoid China trade war

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she wants to reach an agreement with China over import tariffs to avoid triggering a damaging trade war. The EU wants to levy tariffs on Chinese solar panels and telecom products, amid claims they are unfairly undercutting rivals. Merkel was speaking after talks with China´s new premier, Li Keqiang.

Paris protest against same-sex marriage

Tens of thousands of people rallied in Paris on Sunday against a new French law allowing same-sex marriage. Police estimate that up to 150,000 people took part, but organisers put the figure close to one million. Clashes erupted after the rally finished between far-right activists and riot police. Nearly 300 people were arrested.

Cannes Film Festival winners

Blue is the Warmest Colour has won the Palme d'Or for best film at the Cannes Film Festival. Hollywood veteran Bruce Dern won best actor, with French star Berenice Bejo.

Otto Mühl dies, aged 87

And finally, the controversial Austrian artist Otto Mühl has died in Portugal at the age of 87. He was one of the co-founders of Viennese Actionism and also founded the notorious Friedrichshof Commune in 1972. Mühl served nearly 7 years in prison for drugs and sexual offences with minors. He was released in 1997 and set up a smaller commune in Portugal

The Weather

Some sunshine in the south and far west, cool and unsettled with some rain across the rest of the country. Top temperatures generally from 6 to 15, but up to 19 in the sun.
