
News in English

Obama proposes new drone strike rules / Two more arrested in Woolwich attack / Syria may attend peace conference / “Productive” talks in Middle East/ Riots continue in Stockholm / Boy Scouts end gay ban / The weather


Obama proposes new drone strike rules

United States president Barack Obama has proposed new legal guidelines on targeted assassinations by unmanned drone aircraft in a major speech at the National Defence University in Washington. Obama defended the use of drones as necessary to what he called a "just war" of self defence against militant groups and said everything possible must be done to prevent civilian casualties. “Before any strike is taken there must be near certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured, the highest standard we can set.” Obama also called on Congress to work with him to close the Guantanamo Bay prison camp, saying it had become a symbol for an America that flouts the rule of law.

Two more arrested in Woolwich attack

Investigations are continuing in Britain into the killing of a soldier in an apparent terror attack in the London suburb of Woolwich on Wednesday. The two suspects had been known to the domestic security service MI5, but were not considered a significant risk. Two other people have been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder the soldier. The British parliament has begun an inquiry into the Security Services failure to prevent the attack, but a senior government minister Eric Pickles said it is impossible to foresee all threats. “I think we need to be realistic that a free and open society is always vulnerable to isolated individuals intent on violence.”

Syria may attend peace conference

Russia says the Syrian government has agreed in principle to attend an international peace conference, proposed by Russia and the United States. The opposition Syrian National Coalition is meeting in Istanbul to decide whether to attend the conference, which could take place in Geneva in the coming weeks.

“Productive” talks in Middle East

United States secretary of state John Kerry has said he has had very productive talks with Israeli and Palestinian officials, as he tries to revive Middle East peace negotiations. He was speaking in Tel Aviv, on what is his fourth visit to the region since taking office.

Riots continue in Stockholm

Swedish police say rioters in several largely immigrant neighbourhoods of Stockholm have burned two schools, a police station and a number of cars in a fifth night of unrest. Police have said they are trying to liaise with local community leaders.

Boy Scouts end gay ban

The National Council of the Boy Scouts of America has voted to lift a century-old ban on openly gay scouts. A prohibition on gay adult leaders remains in place.

The weather

Cloudy with scattered showers especially in the west and south. Some sun in the east. Top temperatures 11 to 16 degrees.
