
News in English

The EU lifts arms ban for Syrian rebels / North Korea makes offer to South over Kaesong / Chinese hackers “attack” Australia Intelligence HQ / Chile and Argentina issue volcano alert / Missing Dutch couple found dead in Spain / The Weather

The EU lifts arms ban for Syrian rebels

The European Union says it will lift its weapons embargo on the Syrian opposition. The decision by EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels frees up individual member countries to supply weapons – although officials say there are no such plans to do so in the immediate future. The governments of Britain and France have argued for months that the EU should be allowed to arm opposition forces fighting the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad. But they ran into strong opposition from other EU members - led by Austria and Sweden - who argued that such a move would lead to an increase in violence. Carl Bildt is the Swedish Foreign Minister. He says the EU must remain cautious: “I think it extremely important not to do anything to rock the boat. To start delivering weapons now would rock the boat. No one is intending to do that.” Russia says dropping the arms embargo directly damages the prospects for convening an international Syrian peace conference, planned for next month in Geneva.

North Korea makes offer to South over Kaesong

North Korea says it’s willing to allow South Korean businessmen to visit the jointly-run Kaesong industrial zone. Operations at the complex have been suspended since the North withdrew its workers in April. South Korea has expressed concerns about its citizens' safety if they do return and it’s asking for government-level talks to be held.

Chinese hackers “attack” Australia Intelligence HQ

The Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr says his country’s relationship with China will not be hurt, following reports that Chinese hackers have stolen blueprints to Australia’s new intelligence headquarters in the capital Canberra. The allegations were reported by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Andrew Fowler is one of the ABC journalists that broke the story. He says no one should be shocked: “It shouldn’t come as a surprise to know that our domestic intelligence agency would be a prime target for Chinese hackers or maybe even hackers from other countries as well. But particularly the Chinese because they seem to have developed it into a bit of an art form.”

Chile and Argentina issue volcano alert

The authorities in Chile and Argentina have ordered the evacuation of some 3,000 people living near a volcano in the south of their shared border. They have issued a red alert - the highest possible - saying the Copohue volcano in Chile could erupt very soon. Andres Chadwick is the Chilean Interior Minister: “The technical reports indicate that a process has been begun inside the volcano that could culminate with an eruption. And the red alert makes it necessary for us to order an evacuation of the population.”

Missing Dutch couple found dead in Spain

Spanish police say they’ve found two bodies they believe to be those of the former Dutch national volleyball star, Ingrid Visser, and her partner, Lodewijk Severein. The couple disappeared after leaving a hotel in the Spanish city of Murcia two weeks ago. The bodies were discovered buried in a lemon grove in the countryside and police say they’ve arrested three men – a Spaniard and two Romanians – in connection with the murders.

The Weather

Occasional sunshine this afternoon. Some cloud and the odd rain-shower are forecast for the south, west and possibly the east of Austria. Highs will range from 15 in the south to 23 in the east.
