
News in English

US-Taliban talks anger Afghanistan / President Obama visits Berlin / Refugee numbers highest since 1994 / Somali rebels attack UN compound / Brazil moves to quell protests / Alpine Bau files for insolvency / The weather


US-Taliban talks anger Afghanistan

The Afghan President Hamid Karzai has reportedly suspended negotiations on a security pact with the United States, accusing Washington of mixed messages regarding peace talks with the Taliban. The US-Afghan talks are to determine the nature of the US military presence after foreign troops withdraw in 2014. President Karzai has said he wants one-on-one talks with the Taliban but the Taliban and US announced on Tuesday that they would begin talks together first, before the Afghan government was brought in.

President Obama visits Berlin

Barack Obama is spending the day in the German capital, Berlin - his first visit as US president. He´ll be holding talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Joachim Gauck. In a speech later at the Brandenburg Gate Obama is also set to unveil plans to cut American and Russian nuclear arsenals by a third.

Refugee numbers highest since 1994

The United Nations says the number of people who have been forcibly displaced by war and other crises worldwide has risen to its highest level for almost two decades and now exceeds 45 million. Syria is said to be "a major new factor." According to the UN, 55% of all refugees come from there and four other countries: Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq and Sudan. Antonio Guterres is UN High Commissioner for Refugees: "We see a multiplication of new crises and unfortunately we are unable to find solutions for many of the protracted situations because the conflicts seem never to die."

Somali rebels attack UN compound

The Somali Islamist militant group Al Shabaab has claimed responsibility for an attack on the headquarters of the UN Development Programme in the Somali capital, Mogadishu. A suicide bomber reportedly set off his explosives outside the gate. Several gunmen then ran inside and opened fire on security guards. African Union troops say they have now re-secured the compound.

Brazil moves to quell protests

The Brazilian government says it will deploy special security forces to five major cities to control a wave of protests demanding better public services. The cities, including Rio de Janeiro and the capital, Brasilia, are all hosting games in the Confederations Cup football tournament.

Alpine Bau files for insolvency

One of Austria's biggest construction companies, Alpine Bau, has formally filed for insolvency, after failing to secure a 400 million euro rescue package. The company employs some 15,000 people, half of them in Austria.

The weather

Hot and sunny, with the chance of isolated heat storms. Top Temperatures today from 30 to 38.
