
News in English

Anti-government protests in Egypt turn violent / US spying allegations widen / Wildfire claims 19 lives in Arizona / Hong Kong protestors demand reforms / Croatia celebrates EU membership / UN force begins Mali operation / The weather


Anti-government protests in Egypt turn violent

Protestors in Egypt have reportedly stormed the offices of the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo, setting fire to the building. It follows rallies across the country yesterday to mark the first anniversary of President Mohammed Morsi's inauguration. At least 8 people have been killed in the protests, which are being described as the largest since the revolution of 2011. Critics accuse the president of failing to tackle the country's problems and have given him an ultimatum to resign. Muslim Brotherhood spokesman, Gehad El-Haddad, says Egyptians are still coming to terms with the democratic process. “This is the nature of the democratic system. It’s not a `please all´ system. And I think that as we go along, Egyptians engaging in the democratic process will start learning the ins and outs of that system and that culture will start embedding in Egypt.”

US spying allegations widen

The British Guardian newspaper is reporting that the US intelligence service spied on France, Greece and Italy, as well as bugging European Union offices in America and Brussels. The information reportedly comes from secret documents leaked by the fugitive US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden. The EU has demanded a full explanation. US secretary of state John Kerry has responded by saying that such activities are not unusual.

Wildfire claims 19 lives in Arizona

At least 19 firefighters have been killed while battling a major wildfire near the town of Yarnell in the US state if Arizona. Local official Dwight Develin says weather conditions have made it difficult to bring the fire under control. “The winds out here have been very, very strong, they’ve changed directions many times, so it’s been a tough day all the way around. And, of course, losing nineteen firefighters has been devastating.”

Hong Kong protestors demand reforms

Large crowds have taken to the streets in Hong Kong to demand democratic reform, on the anniversary of the handover of the former British colony to China. Hong Kong's chief executive CY Leung, says his government remains committed to introducing full democracy in the province by 2017.

Croatia celebrates EU membership

Croatia has held a large celebration in the capital Zagreb to mark its entry into the European Union. The Balkan nation is the 28th member of the bloc and the first to join since Bulgaria and Romania in 2007. Luxembourg's Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn, says membership of the EU will help heal the wounds of Croatia's brutal struggle for independence from Yugoslavia. “The European Union is a peace project and we are not only an economic organisation. We have to solve the problems of the Balkans and, and I say the problems, we have to bring peace on the Balkans.”

UN force begins Mali operation

The United Nations has taken over command of the military mission in Mali. French forces began operations in January to oust Islamist militants from the north of the country.

The weather

Mostly sunny conditions should continue this afternoon with some thundery showers in the south west. Top temperatures will range from 19 to 27 degrees.
