
News in English

UK considering military action in Syria / India's parliament approves food plan / California wildfire continues to spread / Former German president to stand trial / The Weather

UK considering military action in Syria

The British government says its military is drawing up contingency plans for possible intervention in Syria. A spokesman for Prime Minister David Cameron said the UK was considering a response to last week's attacks in the suburbs of Damascus which are being investigated by UN chemical weapons inspectors. Several hundred people are reported to have died in the attacks. The US Secretary of State John Kerry says there's "undeniable" evidence of a chemical assault and suggested that only the Syrian government could have been behind it: "we know that the Syrian regime maintains custody of these chemical weapons. We know that the Syrian regime has the capacity to do this with rockets. We know that the regime has been determined to clear the opposition from those very places where the attacks took place". Speaking at a press conference in Damascus a short while ago, Syria's Foreign Minister Walid Moualem said he rejected "utterly and completely" accusations that government forces had used chemical weapons. He also said any strike on Syria would serve the interests of al-Qaeda-linked groups. In other responses, the Turkish government has said that last week's attack was a "crime against humanity" and a test for the international community. Russia has warned that any intervention in Syria would have "catastrophic consequences" for the region.

India's parliament approves food plan

India's lower house of parliament has approved a plan to give subsidised food to the poor. The scheme has been put forward by the ruling Congress party. Under the plan, the government would sell subsidised wheat and rice to over two-thirds of the population. Critics of the welfare scheme have dismissed it as a political gimmick ahead of next year's general election.

California wildfire continues to spread

The authorities in the US state of California say the huge wildfire near Yosemite National Park has continued to spread and now covers almost 400 square kilometres. Fire-fighters have managed to contain just 15% of the blaze. Governor Jerry Brown says it's a major challenge: "whatever it takes, I'm going to make sure the resources are deployed. The president called me yesterday and expressed his support. Whatever we need he'll provide".

Former German president to stand trial

Judicial authorities in Germany say the country's former president Christian Wulff will go on trial on corruption charges in November. Wulff resigned 18 months ago following allegations he'd received a loan on favourable terms and had undertaken lobbying in exchange for hotel stays whilst he was governor of the state of Lower Saxony.

The Weather

It’ll be changeable with rain showers and isolated thunderstorms. There’ll be some sunny periods here and there. Highs will be ranging mostly between 15 and 22 degrees.
