
News in English

Putin warns US over Syria action / 16 family members killed in Iraq attack / Fukushima radiation rises / Ariel Castro found dead in prison cell / The Weather

Putin warns US over Syria action

Senators in the US have agreed on a draft resolution that would - if approved - give the Obama administration the go-ahead for military action in Syria. The measure, which does not include troops on the ground, will be voted on next week. Washington has accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons in an attack near Damascus. The leader of the Republicans in the House of Representatives John Boehner has given his support to the government’s call for military intervention: "the use of these weapons has to be responded to. And only the United States has the capability and the capacity to stop Assad and to warn others around the world that this type of behaviour is not going to be tolerated." Speaking ahead of tomorrow's G20 summit in St Petersburg, Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned against unilateral action against the Syrian government. However in a TV interview, he said Moscow didn't rule out supporting a United Nations resolution authorising military strikes if it was proved beyond doubt that the Assad regime had used chemical weapons against its own people: "I do not exclude this military action. But I would like to draw your attention to one absolutely key aspect in line with international law. Only the UN Security Council could sanction the use of force against a sovereign state."

16 family members killed in Iraq attack

Police in Iraq say gunmen have stormed two neighbouring houses belonging to a Shia family and have shot dead 16 family members before blowing up their homes. The attack happened in the town of Latifiya which lies south of Baghdad. Six children are believed to be among the dead.

Fukushima radiation rises

Japan's nuclear regulator says radiation readings around the tanks storing contaminated water at the Fukushima nuclear plant have risen by a fifth to a new high. Recent leaks at the plant - which was devastated by an earthquake and tsunami in 2011 - have prompted the government to promise a package of measures aimed at tackling the problem.

Ariel Castro found dead in prison cell

Officials in the US say Ariel Castro - the man who kept three women captive for a decade at his home in Ohio - has committed suicide in his prison cell. Last month, the 53-year old was sentenced to life in prison without parole after pleading guilty to 937 charges relating to the women's ordeal including numerous rapes. The women escaped in May when one of them managed to attract the attention of a neighbour.

The Weather

Frequent sunshine in much of the country - but the east and southeast will see a mix of cloud and sun with the possibility of the odd shower. Highs will be ranging between 20 and 28 degrees.
