
News in English

New talks on Iran's nuclear programme / Greek police clear ERT building / Engineers to remove Fukushima fuel rods / Twitter to make stock exchange debut / Scientists to explain findings over Arafat's death / Olympic torch in space / The weather


New talks on Iran's nuclear programme

A new round of talks on Iran's controversial nuclear programme is taking place in Geneva. The meeting - between Iran and the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany - is expected to get into the details of the country's nuclear programme for the first time in years. The development comes amid continuing concerns that Tehran is trying to develop nuclear weapons. Iran's foreign minister Javad Zarif: "the talks will be highly laboured and will have many ups and downs. However this does not mean that we are facing an insolvable problem because not seeking nuclear weapons is a policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

Greek police clear ERT building

In Greece, riot police have cleared the headquarters of the former state broadcaster ERT. Former employees had been occupying the building since the government closed it down in June. The government says the state broadcaster was too expensive to run in an economic crisis. The opposition party Syriza has condemned the operation, calling it "illegal".

Engineers to remove Fukushima fuel rods

Engineers at Japan's stricken Fukushima nuclear plant are preparing to extract the first of over 1,000 nuclear fuel rods from one of the reactor buildings. The operation is being seen as an essential but risky one as efforts continue to try and stabilise the site which was devastated by a tsunami in 2011. Dale Klein is part of an independent committee investigating the Fukushima disaster - he explains how it will be done: "they have very robust equipment. They will be placing these fuel assemblies in a container underwater. And then they will lift that container out of the water and move it to another building. It will be kept in water for the duration of the move."

Twitter to make stock exchange debut

Twitter is about to make its debut on the New York Stock Exchange. It's the biggest market debut for a technology firm since Facebook went public last year. Twitter has attracted 230 million users since starting seven years ago, but has yet to make a profit.

Scientists to explain findings over Arafat's death

Swiss scientists who conducted the tests on Yasser Arafat's remains are to give a press conference this afternoon to explain their findings into the late Palestinian leader's death. According to media reports, the researchers suggested the possibility that he may have been poisoned by radioactive polonium.

Olympic torch in space

A rocket carrying a torch for the Sochi Winter Olympics has blasted off into space. The move is part of efforts to showcase next year's games in Russia. The rocket will take the torch to the International Space Station where two Russian cosmonauts will take it on a spacewalk.

The weather

Fog and cloud should clear to give way to a mainly sunny afternoon. Highs are mainly ranging between 12 and 20 degrees.
