
News in English

Typhoon Haiyan hits the Philippines / Kerry joins Iran nuclear talks / S&P cuts France's credit rating / Bomb kills 8 in Afghanistan / Rival militias clash in Tripoli / Egypt announces elections for 2014 / The weather


Typhoon Haiyan hits the Philippines

An extremely powerful typhoon is battering the central Philippines with winds of up to 300 kilometres per hour. Some weather experts say it could be the most powerful storm ever to make landfall. Typhoon Haiyan has forced over a million people to seek shelter. Officials say at least three people have died. The region was already struggling to recover from a powerful earthquake last month.

Kerry joins Iran nuclear talks

The US Secretary of State John Kerry is travelling to Geneva amid speculation about a possible deal over Iran's controversial nuclear programme. The meeting is being attended by Iranian officials and the five permanent U.N. Security Council members plus Germany. Both sides say progress is being made towards an initial agreement under which Tehran would curb some of its nuclear activities in exchange for limited relief from economic sanctions. Meanwhile, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made it clear that he's opposed to any emerging deal: "Iran got the deal of the century. And the international community got a bad deal. This is a very bad deal." Israel has called for sanctions to remain in place until Iran dismantles its entire uranium enrichment programme.

S&P cuts France's credit rating

France has had its credit rating downgraded by Standard & Poor's to AA. The rating agency warns that recent economic reforms were not sufficient to encourage growth in the Eurozone's second largest economy.

Bomb kills 8 in Afghanistan

Officials in Afghanistan say a roadside bomb has struck a bus in the south of the country, killing 8 people including 2 children. So far, no one has claimed responsibility.

Rival militias clash in Tripoli

In Libya, there was heavy fighting last night between rival militias in the capital Tripoli. At least one person was killed and 12 wounded in what's been described as the worst fighting for months in the city. The government has been struggling to control the militias which helped to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi two years ago.

Egypt announces elections for 2014

Senior Egyptian officials have announced that parliamentary elections will be held between February and March next year. They say the polls will be followed by a presidential vote in the early summer.

The weather

Much of Austria will have a sunny afternoon but there will be some fog and cloud about in places. A light föhn wind and highs are ranging mostly between 9 and 18 degrees.
