
News in English

Egyptians vote on new constitution / Hundreds die in South Sudan ferry disaster / Hollande to face grilling over alleged affair / Thailand protestors target government buildings / Chinese doctor convicted of stealing babies / Russia denies visa to US journalist / The weather


Egyptians vote on new constitution

Egyptians have begun voting on a new constitution, the first major ballot to be held since President Mohammed Morsi was deposed last July. Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood, which has now been designated a terrorist organisation, is urging Egyptians to boycott the vote. A massive security operation has been launched amid fears of violence. Mohamed Soudan, a spokesman for the Freedom and Justice Party, the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, says the new constitution is deeply flawed. “The Minister of Defence has more power than the President. The parliament cannot touch him. Now we can say that the Egyptian army has a state, not Egypt has an army.”

Hundreds die in South Sudan ferry disaster

A military spokesman is South Sudan says more than 200 people have drowned in a ferry accident on the White Nile, while attempting to flee fighting in the northern town of Malakal. Philip Aguer says many women and children were on board the overcrowded ferry.

Hollande to face grilling over alleged affair

French President Francois Hollande is due to outline his new economic plans at a press conference this afternoon, however the event is likely to be overshadowed by questions about his private life. Last week the magazine Closer published details of an alleged affair between the President and the film actress Julie Gayet. Socialist MP Axelle Lemaire says the President's private life is his business alone. “I consider that what the man does is not my business, just as the rest of the 77 percent of the French people. And personally I do not want to see politics run by celebrity magazines.”

Thailand protestors target government buildings

Protestors in Thailand have surrounded several government buildings in the capital Bangkok, as they attempt to shut down the city, ahead of elections in February. They accuse Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra of being a figurehead for her brother Thaksin, who was ousted in a coup, and are demanding that her government be replaced by an unelected people's council.

Chinese doctor convicted of stealing babies

A Chinese doctor has been given a suspended death sentence by a court in Shaanxi province, after admitting to stealing seven newborn babies and selling them to traffickers. Prosecutors say Zhang Shuxia convinced the parents to hand over their babies, by telling them that the children were suffering from serious illnesses.

Russia denies visa to US journalist

The US journalist David Satter has reportedly been barred from entering Russia, just weeks before the Winter Olympics begin in the Russian resort of Sochi. The former Financial Times correspondent in Moscow has long been critical of the Kremlin.

The weather

Rain and snowfall has been forecast for areas from Vorarlberg to Carinthia, with overcast conditions elsewhere. Top temperatures will range from 0 to 8 degrees.
