
News in English

Nobel Committee Awards joint peace prize / No peace in Syria / UKIP makes it into British Parliament / Slovenia to nominate Bulc for EU Commission / Condition of Ebola patient in Spain worsens


Nobel Committee Awards joint peace prize

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has jointly awarded this year's peace prize to two individuals. The award has gone to children's rights activists Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan and Kailash
Saty-arthi of India. Here's the announcement being made in Oslo: "The Nobel peace prize for 2014 is to be awarded to Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education. Children must go to school not be financially exploited."

No peace in Syria

The U.N. envoy for Syria has appealed to Turkey to allow volunteers to cross the Syrian border to prevent Islamic State fighters from carrying out a massacre in Kobani. Staffan di Mistura says up to 700 mostly elderly people are still sheltering in Kobani, where fierce fighting continues.

UKIP makes it into British Parliament

For the first time in British politics, a member of the populist U-KIP party has been elected to parliament. Douglas Carswell won a closely-watched a by-election in Clacton on Sea in southern England. UKIP, which is anti-immigration and wants Britain to leave the European Union, is seen as a rising threat to the ruling conservatives. Carswell defected from the Tory Party in August, accusing Prime Minister David Cameron and his inner circle of being out of step with most Britons: "Lots of good, decent conservatives who share my values, they're let down by leadership that's out of touch and in politics for itself. They're let down by a tiny clique of people sitting on their couches in Downing Street. They're let down a remote elite. They want change, too."

Slovenia to nominate Bulc for EU Commission

Slovenia says it is nominating Deputy Prime Minister Violeta Bulc as its new candidate for European commissioner after former prime minister Alenka Bratusek was rejected and then withdrew from the race.

Condition of Ebola patient in Spain worsens

The condition of the Spanish nurse who contracted the Ebola virus while treating a patient in Madrid is reportedly worsening. 14 other people are now under observation in Spain amid fears they might have been infected with Ebola. The aid group Doctors Without Borders has been at the forefront of efforts to fight and contain Ebola in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. The group's director, Dr. Joanne Liu, says efforts to contain Ebola are still falling short: "I still think we are not winning the battle. I think that we are behind and that, in order to get ahead of the game, we are going to need to deploy much more massively that what we have done so far."
