
News in English

Turkey agrees to help Syrian Kurds / Nigeria declared to be Ebola-free / Barroso criticizes Britain over EU / Swedish submarine search continues / New Indonesian president sworn in / Two Japanese ministers resign / German pilots strike / The weather


Turkey agrees to help Syrian Kurds

The United States has air-dropped weapons and medical supplies to Syrian Kurds fighting Islamic State militants close to the Syrian border town of Kobani. It is the first such air drop since the battle for Kobani began over one month ago, but the Kurds say they will need more supplies to win the battle. In a breaking development, Turkey has reversed itself and now says it will help Kurdish fighters reach Kobani from the Turkish side of the border.

Nigeria declared to be Ebola-free

Ebola is the focus of talks today in Luxembourg at a meeting of European Union health ministers. Europe has already committed 470 million euros to contain the spread of the Ebola virus, which has killed 4,500 people in the outbreak zone in West Africa. In a related story, the World Health Organization has declared the Ebola outbreak in Nigeria to be over. No new cases have been reported in six weeks. Last summer a Liberian diplomat brought the virus to Nigeria, where it infected 20 people, killing eight of them. Dr. Benjamin Ohiari is the head doctor at the hospital where the diplomat was treated. He said a national effort helped stop the spread of Ebola in Nigeria: “The president put out a national emergency Ebola declaration. No politics. There’s no problem Nigeria has that Nigeria cannot fix if Nigerians get together.” In a related story, Teresa Romero, the Spanish nurse who became the first person to be infected with Ebola in Europe has now been declared by doctors in Madrid to be Ebola-free.

Barroso criticizes Britain over EU

The outgoing European commission president, Jose’ Manuel Barroso, gave a speech in London today in which he criticized British Prime Minister David Cameron for his plan to limit the number of EU citizens from Eastern Europe into Britain. Barroso said such a move would violate EU law and would further alienate Britain from the rest of the EU. He also said the EU was successful in confronting the economic crises of the past six years: “It has been my privilege to lead the European Commission, working so that the Union could weather the storm and emerge more united, more open and, I hope, stronger. Europe has shown great resilience.”

Swedish submarine search continues

Sweden’s military is continuing to search the Baltic Sea near Stockholm for what it calls “foreign underwater activity”. Russia is denying allegations one of its submarines is operating in Swedish waters.

New Indonesian president sworn in

Indonesia has a new president. Joko Widodo was sworn into office today during a ceremony in Jakarta to become Indonesdia’s seventh president and the first not to come from the military or political elite with ties to the former Suharto dictatorship. A former governor of Jakarta, Widodo said his top priority will be to provide better public services and to boost economic growth.

Two Japanese ministers resign

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has suffered a political setback. His justice and trade ministers have both been forced to resign amid allegations they misused political funds.

German pilots strike

In Germany, pilots for Lufthansa are on strike today as part of a dispute with management over retirement benefits. The pilot walkout follows the end of a two day strike at German railways.

The weather

The afternoon’s weather will remain mild and variable with sunny to partly cloudy conditions. Rain can be expected this evening in the north. Temperatures today are ranging from 15 to 25 degrees.
