
News in English

Russia and Ukraine resolve gas dispute / Israel reopens key religious site after shootings / Burkina Faso’s president refuses to step down / Hungary suspends controversial internet tax / Myanmar’s government holds talks with opposition / Legal action over missing Malaysia Airlines plane


Russia and Ukraine resolve gas dispute

Russia has agreed to resume gas deliveries to Ukraine, ending a bitter dispute over unpaid bills. Under the EU brokered deal, Ukraine has agreed to honour its debts and pay for future gas supplies in advance, with Brussels acting as guarantor. The outgoing EU commission president Jose Manuel Barroso told reporters that the deal would secure gas flows across the EU this winter. “Ukraine and Russia have today found agreement on their outstanding energy debt issues and on an interim solution that enables supplies to continue this winter. I’m glad that political responsibility, the logic of cooperation and simple economic sense has prevailed.”

Israel reopens key religious site after shootings

The Israeli authorities have reopened the Temple Mount site in Jerusalem, as tensions continue over two recent shootings. Restrictions have been placed on worshippers visiting the site, which is sacred to both Muslims and Jews, amid concerns of further unrest. The right wing Jewish activist Yehuda Glick was seriously wounded on Wednesday. His suspected attacker, a Palestinian, was later shot dead by police.

Burkina Faso’s president refuses to step down

The President of Burkina Faso, Blaise Compaore, has rejected demands for his resignation, saying he intends to stay in power for another year under a transitional government. Protestors, angry at moves by the president to extend his 27 year rule, have taken to the streets of the capital Ouagadougou again, after setting fire to the parliament and government offices yesterday. Political analyst Imad Mesdoua says the situation remains very unclear. “President Compaore said that he would like to see talks engage with the opposition and that he would like to move towards a transition period. Now the statement which was issued by the army chief of staff also speaks of a transition period but there’s no reference to Blaise Compaore.”

Hungary suspends controversial internet tax

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban has agreed to suspend plans for a controversial tax on internet use, following large public protests. Critics, including the European Commission, say the tax could limit freedom of expression. Orban says he will hold a public consultation in January next year, to discuss other ways of levying such a tax.

Myanmar’s government talks with opposition

Myanmar's government has been holding rare talks with the opposition and ethnic groups to discuss reconciliation and reform efforts ahead of elections next year. The talks bring together President Thein Sein and opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi as well as senior military officials.

Legal action over missing Malaysia Airlines plane

The family of one of the passengers on a Malaysia Airlines plane, which disappeared in March, has launched legal action against the airline and the Malaysian government for alleged negligence. It's believed to be the first lawsuit in connection with flight MH370.

The weather

Conditions this afternoon will be changeable with some cloud and fog. The most sunshine will be in the west and south. Top temperatures will range from 7 to 17 degrees.
