
News in English

US ambassador injured in knife attack / China downgrades growth forecast / Major changes demanded after US police shooting / Indonesia rejects Australian bid to halt execution / ECB to outline bond buying program / UN calls for compensation for migrant rescues / The weather


US ambassador injured in knife attack

The US ambassador to South Korea Mark Lippert has been injured in a knife attack at a breakfast meeting in the capital Seoul, sustaining cuts to his face and hands. His attacker, a known activist, reportedly shouted demands for the reunification of North and South Korea. Former US ambassador Christopher Hill says he is very surprised by the attack. “Certainly I’ve been in many of those breakfasts, it was just across the street from the embassy. This is not something that one normally associates with the need for high security.”

China downgrades growth forecast

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has lowered China's growth target this year to 7 percent, saying more structural reform is needed to rebalance the economy. Speaking at the opening of the National People's Congress in Beijing, Li also pledged tighter environmental controls to curb pollution.

Major changes demanded after US police shooting

US attorney general Eric Holder has called on the authorities in the city of Ferguson, Missouri to take immediate action to reform the police department, following the shooting last year of an unarmed black teenager by police. An investigation by the US Department of Justice found evidence of widespread racial discrimination within the force. Holder told reporters that it was not surprising that Michael Brown's death had sparked serious civil unrest. “In this context, amid a highly toxic environment, defined by mistrust and resentment, stoked by years of bad feelings, and spurred by illegal and misguided practices, it’s not difficult to imagine how a single, tragic incident set off the city of Ferguson like a powder keg.”

Indonesia rejects Australian bid to halt execution

Indonesia has rejected a prisoner swap proposed by the Australian government, aimed at saving the lives of two convicted Australian drug smugglers. Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumara are due to be executed by firing squad in the coming days. Earlier Australia's Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said her government was doing everything it could to halt the execution. “We are seeking opportunities to explore every option that might be available to us, every avenue that might be available to save the lives of these two men.”

ECB to outline bond buying program

The European Central Bank is set to unveil details of its 1 trillion euro bond buying program at a high level meeting today in Cyprus. The ECB is also expected to lift its growth forecast for the eurozone.

UN calls for compensation for migrant rescues

The UN's Refugee Agency has called for greater assistance to ships, which are forced to change course to rescue migrants from drowning in the Mediterranean. The UNHCR's Assistant High Commissioner for Protection Volker Türk says a compensation scheme should be established. More than 200 thousands migrants are believed to have crossed the Mediterranean last year.

The weather

Rain and snow showers are set to continue for areas from Vorarlberg to the Mostviertel, but elsewhere it should be mostly sunny. Top temperatures will range from 2 to 11 degrees.
