
News in English

Israel votes / Vanuata devastation revealed / Syria accused over Raqqa bombings / Ukraine army says attacks continue / Nigeria pushes militants from Bama / Pakistan announces 12 executions / Cervantes’ remains located / The weather


Israel votes

Israel is holding a parliamentary election. The last opinion polls showed prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ruling Likud party trailing the centre left Zionist Union led by Yitzhak Herzog and Tzipi Livni. On the eve of the polls Netanyahu unequivocally ruled out the establishment of a Palestinian state should he be re-elected. His opponents have accused him of failing on the main issue for voters, the rising cost of living in Israel and have said they will seek to repair relations with Palestinians and the international community. Johanin Pletzner from the Israeli Democracy Institute says coalition negotiations are expected to decide the next Israeli government: “Any outcome is possible. It’s also highly likely that tonight we are not actually going to know what is the outcome of the election because it will depend on the coalition negotiation that will take place in the next few weeks.”

Vanuata devastation revealed

Relief workers have begun to reach the outer islands of Vanuatu devastated by a cyclone last Friday. They say the damage is significantly worse than in the capital, Port Vila, with widespread destruction of houses and crops. Aid agencies say there is a desperate need for food, water and shelter.

Syria accused over Raqqa bombings

The human rights group Amnesty International says Syrian government bombings of the city of Raqqa held by the Islamic State group may amount to war crimes. It says the airstrikes carried out last November killed over 100 civilians and in most cases no military targets could be identified near the areas attacked.

Ukraine army says attacks continue

The Ukrainian army says three soldiers have been killed in fighting in the east in the past 24 hours despite a ceasefire agreement with Russian-backed rebels. Meanwhile president Petro Poroshenko has said the government in Kiev is ready to supply east Ukraine regions with humanitarian aid.

Nigeria pushes militants from Bama

Nigeria’s army says it has retaken the town of Bama from Boko Haram militants in the north east state or Borno. The last town held by Boko Haram in neighbouring Yobe state has reportedly also been retaken.

Pakistan announces 12 executions

Pakistan has hanged 12 convicted criminals, the largest number of executions on a single day since the country lifted a moratorium on the death penalty. Human rights groups have expressed concern, saying torture is often used to force confessions.

Cervantes’ remains located

Spanish authorities say the remains of Miguel de Cervantes have been found, nearly 400 years after his death, in a convent in Madrid. The author of "Don Quixote", Cervantes is regarded as the father of the modern novel.

The weather

Sunny over much of the country as fog and cloud clear. Top temperatures 7 to 20 degrees.
