
News in English

Germanwings crash “deliberate” / Saudi Arabia attacks Houthis in Yemen / US attacks IS in Tikrit / Iran and US continue nuclear talks / Nigeria candidates sign peace accord / The weather


Germanwings crash “deliberate”

The German public prosecutors’ has confirmed that initial analysis of the flight recorder of the Germanwings plane which crashed on Tuesday suggests only one of the two pilots was on the flight deck at the time of the crash. A French prosecutor has said the current most plausible interpretation of investigators is that the co-pilot deliberately refused to open the cabin door after the pilot left and took lone control of the plane before the descent. All 150 people on board the flight died in the crash in the French Alps.

Saudi Arabia attacks Houthis in Yemen

Saudi Arabia and its allies have launched military operations in Yemen against Shiite Houthi rebels whom Iran is accused of backing. The Saudi government says it began the offensive in support of Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, whose government has lost control of much of the country. Casualties are being reported from air strikes on the capital Sanaa. Hashim Al Amasi is a resident of Saana: “We woke up to a huge explosion in the capital which we learned later on were airstrikes. And ever since it’s been continuing on and off every few minutes.” Saudi Arabia says the coalition against the Houthis includes over ten countries among them Gulf allies, Jordan, Egypt and Pakistan. Iran has demanded an immediate halt to all military action in Yemen.

US attacks IS in Tikrit

The United States led coalition fighting Islamic State militants has begun airstrikes against IS positions in the Iraqi city of Tikrit, at the request of the Iraqi government. A large number of Iran-backed Shi'ite militia are fighting alongside Iraqi forces against IS in the Tikrit campaign.

Iran and US continue nuclear talks

Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and the United States secretary of state John Kerry resume talks in Switzerland today on Iran’s nuclear programme. Iran, the US and five other world powers have set a deadline of the end of this month to settle the political outlines of a framework agreement to curb Iran’s programme in return for an easing of sanctions. European officials have said the technical details would still have to be filled in by the end of June.

Nigeria candidates sign peace accord

Nigeria's two main presidential candidates, the incumbent Goodluck Jonathan and Muhammadu Buhari have signed a peace accord meant to prevent violence in elections scheduled for Saturday. Around 800 people were killed after disputed elections in Nigeria in 2011.

The weather

Mainly cloudy with scattered showers, some sunny spells in the east. Top temperatures 5 to 18 degrees.
