
News in English

Fifa officials arrested in corruption probe / Iraq announces progress against IS / Amnesty accuses Hamas / Commission reveals refugee plan / Obama immigrant amnesty stopped / The weather


Fifa officials arrested in corruption probe

Police in Switzerland have arrested six senior officials from soccer’s world governing body Fifa in early-morning raids in Zurich. Swiss justice authorities said the officials were arrested pending extradition to the United States on suspicion of receiving bribes totalling over 100 million dollars. In a separate move, officers raided Fifa’s headquarters in Zurich and seized electronic data. Investigators are reported to be questioning ten people who took part in voting on the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bids awarded to Russia and Qatar. Fifa spokesperson Walter de Gregorio has ruled out a re-vote on the awarding of those games: “Russia and Qatar will be played. This is what is fact today. And I don’t go into speculation about what will happen tomorrow, after tomorrow and so on. This is what I can tell you, not more and not less.” The arrests come before the start of a Fifa Congress in Zürich to elect a new president.

Iraq announces progress against IS

The Iraqi army says its troops and allied militia have recaptured two southern districts of the city of Ramadi from Islamic State militants. Iraq launched an offensive yesterday to push Islamic State out of Anbar province. The militants had won control of Ramadi, the provincial capital, in mid-May.

Amnesty accuses Hamas

The human rights group Amnesty International has accused the Palestinian militant group Hamas, in control of Gaza, of abducting, torturing and killing Palestinians during the 50-day war with Israel last year. Amnesty says 23 Palestinians were shot and killed and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Hamas. It says victims included members of the rival Palestinian Fatah party or people accused of cooperating with Israel.

Commission reveals refugee plan

The European Commission is announcing details of plans to distribute 40,000 asylum seekers across the EU as part of emergency measures to deal with the influx of migrants crossing the Mediterranean from the Middle East and Africa. A number of countries have already criticised Commission proposals requiring all EU countries to take a specific number of asylum seekers. Austria would be required to take around 1200 refugees.

Obama immigrant amnesty stopped

A federal appeals court in the United States has backed a temporary stop to President Obama's plan to protect almost five million illegal immigrants from deportation. 26 states launched a legal challenge against the president’s executive action, alleging it was unconstitutional.

The weather

Generally sunny in the south and mainly dry. Changeable with sunny spells and scattered showers elsewhere. Top temperatures 10 to 20 degrees.
