
News in English

Critical talks continue on Greek debt deal / Migration dominates EU leaders’ summit / Islamic State attacks key Syrian cities / US offers to work with China on cyber crime / South Africa to review ties to international court / Myanmar rejects bid to lift military veto / The weather


Critical talks continue on Greek debt deal

Talks have resumed between Greece and its creditors, with negotiators scrambling to reach a last minute deal on the Greek debt crisis. It is feared that Greece may default if it does not receive a final instalment of bailout funds before the end of the month, when a major debt repayment is due. The two sides have so far failed to agree on cost cutting measures, despite a new Greek reform plan.

Migration dominates EU leaders’ summit

EU leaders begin a two day summit today in Brussels focussing on asylum and migration, amid deep divisions over how to deal with the increasing number of people trying to enter the bloc. Tensions have flared this week between Austria and Hungary over Budapest's refusal to take in asylum seekers from other EU states. Hungarian government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs says a European solution is needed. “We all believe that there should be, as soon as possible, a swift, effective, efficient European response to what is happening at the southern borders and not only the Mediterranean, as I suggested, but Hungary by absolute numbers is the most affected country by illegal migration.” British Prime Minister David Cameron will use the summit to launch his EU reform bid, which includes proposals to limit migration within the bloc.

Islamic State attacks key Syrian cities

Islamic State fighters have launched an offensive to recapture the strategic cities of Hassakeh and Kobane in northern Syria. Eyewitnesses say two car bombs were detonated in Kobane, as IS fighters attacked the city's Kurdish defenders from several directions. IS has suffered a string of defeats recently at the hands of the Kurds.

US offers to work with China on cyber crime

US President Barak Obama has raised concerns about China's cyber activities during talks with Chinese officials in Washington. Chinese hackers have been repeatedly accused of targeting US government and business networks. US Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters the two countries planned to draft a joint code of online conduct. “There was an honest discussion, without accusations without any finger pointing, about the problem of cyber theft and whether or not it was sanctioned by government.”

South Africa to review ties to international court

South Africa says it will review its cooperation with the International Criminal Court, following a recent row over whether to arrest Sudan's president Omar al Bashir. A South African court ordered Bashir to remain in the country, while it determined whether he should be handed over to the ICC, where he's wanted on genocide and war crimes charges. South Africa's government claimed Bashir had diplomatic immunity.

Myanmar rejects bid to lift military veto

Myanmar's parliament has rejected plans to remove the military’s veto over constitutional change. The move ends hopes of lifting a ban, prohibiting pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi from standing for the presidency, before elections later this year.

The weather

And changeable conditions have been forecast for today with some isolated rain showers. Top temperatures will range from 18 to 25 degrees.
