
News in English

Austria boosts border controls / Tourists killed in Egyptian anti-terror operation / Hundreds of prisoners freed in Afghanistan / Thousands flee California wildfires / New British Labour leader unveils team / Australian PM faces leadership vote / The weather


Austria boosts border controls

Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann says soldiers will be deployed along Austria's borders to assist police in carrying out checks, as thousands of migrants and refugees continue to enter the country from Hungary. The move follows a decision by Germany to re-impose controls on its southern border with Austria. Around 20 thousand people are expected to arrive in eastern Austria today with increasing numbers also crossing at the southern Burgenland town of Heiligenkreuz im Lafnitztal. EU Interior Ministers are meeting later today for emergency talks on the crisis, amid continuing opposition to planned quotas for relocating asylum seekers across the bloc. Melissa Fleming, a spokeswoman for the UN's refugee agency, says the EU needs a comprehensive approach, including effective reception centres to deal with the huge influx of people. “We can’t have a situation where what we see today where each individual country makes a decision on its border controls, basically shoving the problem down the line.”

Tourists killed in Egyptian anti-terror operation

Egypt's Interior Ministry says the security forces have accidently killed 12 people, including several Mexican tourists, during an anti-terror operation in the western desert region. The tourists had reportedly entered a restricted zone with the intention of camping out. Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto has called for a thorough investigation into the incident.

Hundreds of prisoners freed in Afghanistan

Officials in Afghanistan say militants have attacked a prison in the central city of Ghazni, killing at least 4 police officers and releasing over 350 inmates. The Deputy Governor of Ghazni province Mohammed Ali Ahmadi says militants wearing army uniforms stormed the prison after a suicide bomber breached the compound's gates. The Taliban says it carried out the attack.

Thousands flee California wildfires

The governor of the US state of California Jerry Brown has declared a state of emergency in several areas where wildfires are burning out of control. The so called valley fire, north of San Francisco, has destroyed hundreds of homes and forced thousands to be evacuated. State Senator Mike McGuire told reporters the fire was the worst in recent history. “This word of unprecedented is used quite often but we have not seen a fire like this in decades. We are facing historic conditions.”

New British Labour leader unveils team

The new leader of the British Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn, has unveiled his shadow cabinet, two days after winning the party leadership with almost 60 percent of the vote. In a controversial move, Corbyn has named the left wing, former trade union official John McDonnell as his shadow finance minister.

Australian PM faces leadership vote

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has been challenged for the leadership of the ruling Liberal party by his Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Should Turnbull win the vote later today he will succeed Abbott as Prime Minister.

The weather

Changeable conditions have been forecast for the east and southeast this afternoon, with overcast skies and rain elsewhere. Top temperatures will range from 13 to 28 degrees.
