
News in English

MH17 report to be released / Russian embassy attacked in Syria / Iran approves nuclear agreement / More violent attacks in Israel / Clashes in Kosovo / Czech human rights record criticized / Huge brewer merger announced / The weather


MH17 report to be released

A Dutch safety board report is being issued today in the Netherlands on last year’s crash of a Malaysian airliner in eastern Ukraine. 298 people were on the flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. The report is expected to say the plane was downed by a Buk missile, but without stating if Russian rebels or the Ukrainian military fired the missile. Barry Sweeney’s son Liam was on Flight MH17. “Hopefully, when the report comes out , when the plane was blown out of the sky, nobody suffered.” A criminal investigation into the crash is also underway and its report will be issued at the end the year.

Russian embassy attacked in Syria

Two shells were fired at Russia’s embassy in Damascus today during a pro-Russian rally. There’s been no reports of damage or injuries. The incident comes two weeks after Russia began launching air strikes on rebels in support of President Bashar al-Assad. Speaking within the last hour, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Moscow supports United Nations efforts to achieve a political settlement to end the war in Syria. The human rights group Amnesty International has issued a report accusing Syrian Kurdish fighters of war crimes by forcing Arabs to flee their homes in areas captured from Islamic State militants. The Syrian Kurds are backed and armed by the United States. Meanwhile, China has said Russia and the United States must not allow their military involvement in Syria to develop into a proxy war between Moscow and Washington. In the statement, the Chinese government also accused the US and Russia of having what it called “an outdated Cold War” mindset.

Iran approves nuclear agreement

Iran’s parliament has approved the deal reached last summer with six major powers over Tehran’s nuclear program. Iran has agreed to curb its ability to make a nuclear weapon in exchange for a gradual lifting of international sanctions. 161 Iranian MPs for voted for the agreement, while 59 voted against.

More violent attacks in Israel

Two people have been killed and 20 wounded in two separate attacks in Jerusalem. In the first, two Palestinian attackers stabbed and shot people on a bus. One Israeli was killed. Elsewhere, an Israeli man was stabbed to death at a bus stop. Two stabbing attacks have also been reported today in central Israeli city of Raanana close to Tel Aviv. Today has been the deadliest day in a series of violent acts which began last month and in which five Israelis and 26 Palestinians have been killed.

Clashes in Kosovo

There have been clashes in Kosovo between protesters and police. The unrest began after police arrested a well-known opposition politician called Albin Kurti who has led efforts against giving more powers to Kosovo’s Serbian minority.

Czech human rights record criticized

The European Council has issued a report condemning violence and prejudice against Roma and foreigners in the Czech Republic. The report says that Roma and Muslims have often been targeted by extreme right-wing groups. The council also says the government is not doing enough to prosecute hate crimes.

Huge brewer merger announced

And in business news, Anheuser-Busch InBev of Britain has agreed on a deal to buy Britain’s SABMiller for 96 billion euros to create the world’s largest beer company.

The weather

Mostly cloudy with rain in the west and south. Highs today are ranging from 7 to 17 degrees.
