
News in English

Death toll from Ankara attack rises / EU ministers discuss Syria / Lukashenko wins 5th presidential term / Social Democrats win Vienna election / The weather


Death toll from Ankara attack rises

The official death toll from a bomb attack at a peace rally in Turkey at the week-end has risen to 97 with some sources putting the number of those killed at nearly 130. There's been no claim of responsibility for the attack in Ankara which was the country's worst terror attack in recent history. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu says investigations are focussing on Islamic State militants. But the double suicide bombing has sparked strong criticism of President Erdogan's government. Opponents have accused it of intelligence failings and say the police failed to provide any security to protect those taking part in the demonstration which was organised by the pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party and left-wing groups. Turkey analyst Cengiz Günay says the general atmosphere in the country is one of deep division: "there is a huge feeling of anger and suspicion and insecurity. The country is extremely polarised. There are a large amount of people who don't trust the government at all and on the other side there are really hard-core AKP supporters who suspect behind everything a conspiracy against the government."

EU ministers discuss Syria

EU foreign ministers are meeting in Luxembourg to discuss the war in Syria. The EU's foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini has described Russia's military intervention in the conflict as worrying: "it is for sure a game-changer. It has some very worrying elements - we will discuss them - in particular when it comes to the violation of the air-space of Turkey." The Russian President Vladimir Putin says his country's military operations are aimed at stabilising President Bashar al-Assad's government and preventing Islamic State militants from taking over the country.

Lukashenko wins 5th presidential term

The authoritarian President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has won a fifth term in office. His re-election five years ago led to mass protests and the imprisonment of leading opposition figures. However observers say his criticism of Russia's annexation of Crimea, his hosting of Ukraine peace talks and his pardoning of six opposition leaders in August suggest he's seeking to improve ties with the EU.

Social Democrats win Vienna election

The Social Democrats have emerged as the clear winner following yesterday's elections in Vienna in spite of a decline in voter support for the party. The poll also saw significant gains for the Freedom Party. The ruling red-green coalition has held onto its majority but the Mayor of Vienna Michael Häupl has not yet confirmed whether he will continue his cooperation with the Greens.

The weather

Quite a sunny afternoon but there are some persistent foggy patches around and cloud in the east and southeast. Highs are ranging between 6 and 14 degrees, in the West up to 19.
