
News in English

Election in Myanmar / Americans killed in Jordan / Catalonia starts breakaway process / Close results in Croatian elections / Lufthansa strike expands / Israeli-American talks in Washington / Israeli-American talks in Washington / The weather


Election in Myanmar

Incomplete results from the historic general election in Myanmar shows the opposition National League for Democracy is set to win more than 70 percent of the seats in parliament. NLD leader, former dissident, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi is urging her supporters not to celebrate publicly so as not to provoke the ruling Union, Solidarity and Development Party which is backed by the military. The military has governed the country also known as Burma since 1962 but since 2010 has moved towards greater democracy.Tin Tao Swe is a Burmese journalist: “It will be quite a shock to everyone, especially to the ruling authorities. Recently I was in Burma where I spoke to some members of the ruling party and they were very confident…they thought they were going to win.”

Americans killed in Jordan

News is coming in from the Middle East that two American soldiers have been killed in Jordan. No other details are known at this time.

Catalonia starts breakaway process

The regional parliament of Catalonia has approved a plan to set up a road map for independence from Spain by 2017, in defiance of the central government in Madrid. The motion passed by 72 votes to 63. Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is expected to issue a statement on Catalonia last today.

Close results in Croatian elections

In Croatia, the opposition conservatives have won the most votes in yesterday’s general election. The conservatives won 59 of parliament’s 151 seats, while the ruling Social democrats of Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic took 56 seats. Both sides failed to win an absolute majority and will be seeking coalition partners to form a new government. The situation means the third-place party---Most, or Bridge----which won 19 seats, will likely be key as to who leads the next government in Zagreb.

Lufthansa strike expands

A strike by cabin crews at Lufthansa has intensified today, leading to the cancellation of 929 domestic and international flights. The work stoppage is affecting the travel plans of over 100,000 people. Unions and management disagree over compensation packages for cabin crew members who retire early.

Israeli-American talks in Washington

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in Washington for talks at the White House with US President Barack Obama. Ties have been strained over the Iran nuclear agreement reached in Vienna last summer.

Ernst Fuchs dead at 85

Austrian painter Ernst Fuchs has died in Vienna at the age of 85. Fuchs was a co-founder of the artistic movement known as the Vienna School of Magic Realism.

The weather

This afternoon’s weather will remain cloudy to partly sunny and unseasonably warm with strong winds in the east. There will also be cloudy skies with scattered rain showers north of the Alps. Highs today are ranging from 13 to 23 degrees.
