
News in English

Historic election victory for Venezuela´s opposition / French far-right makes gains in regional polls / Obama vows to overcome terror threat / Syria claims US strikes army camp / Man charged over UK “terrorist” incident / Paris climate negotiators in final push / The weather


Historic election victory for Venezuela´s opposition

A coalition of centrist and conservative opposition parties in Venezuela has won control of the National Assembly for the first time since the Socialists came to power under Hugo Chavez nearly two decades ago. Election officials say the Democratic Unity coalition has won at least 99 seats out of 167. It capitalised on growing discontent in Venezuela over the world's highest level of inflation and shortages of basic foods and supplies. Although Nicholas Maduro remains president, the defeat for his party significantly weakens his power and the Socialists´ control over the country.

French far-right makes gains in regional polls

The Front National of Marine Le Pen has made sweeping gains across France in a first round of voting in regional elections, with victories in six out of 13 regions. The governing Socialist party of President Francois Hollande has called for a grand coalition to prevent the Front National from repeating its success in the next round on Sunday. The far-right party has been steadily gaining votes in recent years, with its themes of security, immigration and national identity.

Obama vows to overcome terror threat

The US President Barack Obama has made a rare Oval Office address following the mass shooting last week in San Bernardino that left 14 dead. He said it was an act of terrorism designed to kill innocent people: "The terrorist threat has evolved into a new phase. As we´ve become better at preventing complex, multi-faceted attacks like 9/11 terrorists turn to less complicated acts of violence like the mass shootings that are all too common in our society."

Syria claims US strikes army camp

The Syrian government says four warplanes from the US-led coalition targeted a Syrian army camp in Deir al Zor province on Sunday, killing three soldiers and wounding 13 more, calling it an act of aggression. It´s the first known incident of its kind since the United States and allied countries began bombing the so-called Islamic State in Syria over a year ago.

Man charged over UK “terrorist” incident

Police in Britain have charged a man with attempted murder after a knife attack at an east London underground station on Saturday night which was described as a terrorist incident. Two people were injured.

Paris climate negotiators in final push

Environment and foreign ministers from across the world are gathering in Paris in a final push for a new deal to tackle global warming. Opening the meeting, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon warned that the clock was ticking towards climate catastrophe. The ministers will have just five days to turn a draft text into a deal acceptable to all 195 parties involved.

The weather

Plenty of sunshine but also some persistent fog, specially in the east. Top temperatures generally from 4 to 12, only around zero in the fog.
