
News in English

French PM warns Europe over migrant crisis / 34 migrants drown close to Greek islands / Mogherini optimistic over Syria peace deal / Crippling Winter Storm heads to eastern U.S. / IMF chief Lagarde wants second term / North Korea detains U.S. student / The weather


French PM warns Europe over migrant crisis

The French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has warned that European society could be totally destabilized if it tries to take in every refugee who arrives on the Continent. In an interview with the BBC, Valls said the migration crisis was putting the entire future of the European Union in real danger: “It could disappear. Of course the European project – not Europe itself. Not our values but the concept we have of Europe. Yes – that is in very grave danger. That’s why you need border guards, controls on the external borders of the European Union.”

34 migrants drown close to Greek islands

At least 34 people have died after two boats smuggling migrants and refugees sank off separate Greek islands. Greece's coast guard says 60 people have been rescued and a search operation is now underway for more survivors.

Mogherini optimistic over Syria peace deal

The European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, has said that she is optimistic that a peace deal can be reached for Syria. Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Mogherini said that after 5 years of war there is political will in the region to find a solution to the crisis. “Obviously there are difficulties. But I believe that new regional cooperation that could come, especially after the Iranian deal, could pave the way for a political solution.”

Crippling Winter Storm heads to eastern U.S.

Millions of people across the East Coast of the United States have been warned to prepare for what forecasters say could be a potentially crippling winter storm. Washington D.C. is expected to be one of the areas worst hit areas. Dr. Louis Uccellini is the Director of the U.S. National Weather Service: “We’re predicting that more than 50 million people could be affected by the snow event alone. And we’re now working very carefully with the emergency management community to provide pre-event protection steps.”

IMF chief Lagarde wants second term

The head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, says she will run for a second term. She says she has already received the backing of Germany, Britain and China - among others. Last month Lagarde was ordered to stand trial in France for alleged negligence over a compensation payment to the French businessman Bernard Tapie.

North Korea detains U.S. student

North Korea says it has arrested an American university student for committing, what it calls, a "hostile act" against the country. The official state news agency identified the man as Otto Frederick Warmbier, a student from the University of Virginia. He’s the third Western citizen to be held by North Korea.

The weather

Cold and mostly clear - although persistent fog remains in some places. Top temperatures will range from minus 7 to plus 2.
