
News in English

New round of Syrian peace talks / Italy appeals to EU over Brenner / Macedonian police clash with refugees / Police raid Mossack Fonseca / Jordan shuts down Brotherhood office / Roussef suffers further defection / South Korean president ‘loses majority’ / The weather


New round of Syrian peace talks

A new round of indirect peace talks on the Syrian conflict has opened in Geneva. Opposition representatives have said parliamentary elections being held in government held areas in Syria today are illegitimate and provocative, and undermine the peace talks. There are also concerns that an upsurge in fighting in Syria between government forces and rebels near Aleppo could derail the partial truce in place. A former spokesman for the opposition Syrian National Council Monsa Abbig says there is no optimism about the talks: “There are no indications right now that Assad is going to give up power and hand over authorities to a transitional governing body the way Geneva says. Assad is continuing his war.”

Italy appeals to EU over Brenner

Italy has appealed to the European Commission to intervene over Austrian plans to impose tougher border controls at the Brenner Pass. In a joint letter to Brussels, Italian foreign minister Paolo Gentiloni and interior minister Angelino Alfano have called on the Commission to examine whether Austria’s policy is in line with the Schengen Agreement on open borders. Austria’s interior ministry says the border management measures under construction at the Brenner are in line with Schengen, and are no different from controls already imposed at Spielfeld in the east, and these have been accepted.

Macedonian police clash with refugees

Macedonian police have again used tear gas against a group of refugees and migrants trying to breach the border from Greece at Idomeni. Around 300 refugees were wounded on Sunday in clashes with Macedonian police.

Police raid Mossack Fonseca

Organised crime prosecutors have raided the offices of the Mossack Fonseca law firm in Panama looking for evidence of money laundering and financing terrorism, following the massive leak of documents on tax havens. Meanwhile tax experts from countries in the OECD are meeting in Paris today to discuss a global response to tackling tax evasion.

Jordan shuts down Brotherhood office

Reports from Jordan say the security forces have closed down the main office of the Muslim Brotherhood in Amman. Jordanian authorities have yet to give any reason for the closure.

Roussef suffers further defection

In Brazil, the Progressive Party has become the latest party to abandon the governing coalition, ahead of a vote on Sunday on the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff. The president has accused her deputy, Michel Temer, of plotting her downfall and has branded him a traitor.

South Korean president ‘loses majority’

Exit polls in South Korea indicate that the conservative party of President Park Geun-Hye may have lost its majority in parliamentary elections. The outcome looks likely to jeopardise her planned labour and economic reforms.

The weather

Warm and partly sunny. Rain and thundershowers mainly in mountain areas. Top temps 13 to 25 degrees.
