
News in English

Ban Ki-moon urges support for refugees / Syria envoy appeal over peace talks / 15 detained over attack in Turkey / Costa Concordia appeals trial begins / The weather


Ban Ki-moon urges support for refugees

In a speech to Austrian MPs, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has expressed strong concern over increasingly restrictive asylum policies in Europe. His address comes a day after tough new asylum laws were passed in the Austrian parliament and follows the announcement of plans for stricter controls on the Brenner border crossing with Italy. Praising the initial response to the refugee and migrant crisis, Ban said he understood the challenges it raised but added that Europe had a moral and legal obligation to help those fleeing war and persecution: "I recognise the generosity shown so far by the people and governments of Europe to migrants and refugees - not least here in Austria. But I'm concerned that European countries are now adopting increasingly restrictive immigration and refugee policies."

Syria envoy appeal over peace talks

The UN envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura has urged the US and Russia to intervene to save the negotiations aimed at finding a solution to the conflict. Violence in Syria has intensified in recent days, despite a partial truce which was agreed in February. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says air strikes have hit a hospital in a rebel-held area of the city of Aleppo, killing at least 27 people, including 3 children. The hospital was supported by the medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres. Syrian television is also reporting that 14 people have been killed in rebel shelling of government-held parts of the city. Speaking after briefing the Security Council on the peace process, de Mistura said the truce was barely functioning: "it's still there. But it's in great danger. It's still alive, but barely."

15 detained over attack in Turkey

It's being reported that the Turkish authorities have detained up to 15 people in connection with a suicide bomb blast in the north western city of Bursa. 8 people were wounded in the attack. It's not yet clear who was behind it.

Costa Concordia appeals trial begins

The appeals trial is beginning in Italy of the captain held responsible for the Costa Concordia cruise ship disaster in 2012, in which 32 people were killed. Francesco Schettino was sentenced to 16 years in jail last year, after a court found him guilty of manslaughter, causing a maritime accident and abandoning ship. Schettino is seeking to overturn the conviction whilst the prosecution wants to see a longer prison term.

The weather

Occasional sunshine in much of Austria. A bit of rain or snowfall in the south where it will stay overcast. Cold with highs ranging between 3 and 13 degrees.
