
News in English

Afghan Taliban announce new leader / Funds unlocked for Greece in landmark deal / Islamic State under pressure in Syria and Iraq / Strikes in France cause petrol shortages / Violence after New Mexico Trump rally / Florence’s Arno riverbank collapses / The weather


Afghan Taliban announce new leader

The Afghan Taliban has appointed a new leader, days after Mullah Akhtar Mansour was killed by an American drone strike in Pakistan. Hibatullah Akhundzada is the new chief. He's an influential religious cleric, and is widely known for his extremist views. Meanwhile, Afghan officials say a suicide bomber has killed at least 11 people in an attack on the outskirts of the capital, Kabul. The Taliban said it carried out the bombing.

Funds unlocked for Greece in landmark deal

Eurozone finance ministers have agreed to reward Greece for its continued economic reforms, and will unlock more than €10 billion in much-needed bailout funds. After late night talks in Brussels, they also agreed to phase in debt relief in two years’ time - a key demand of the Greek government and the International Monetary Fund. The Greek finance minister, Euclid Tsakalotos, welcomed the deal: "If you remember in the summer, we agreed first to finish the first review, and then there would be a discussion on debt. These two things have collided, and now we have an overall package."

Islamic State under pressure in Syria and Iraq

The Islamic State group is facing two separate offensives, trying to push it from territory it holds in Syria and Iraq. A Kurdish-led alliance in north-eastern Syria is trying to advance towards the IS-stronghold of Raqqa - while in Iraq, government forces are continuing their effort to recapture the city of Fallujah. Regional analyst, Arash Aramesh, says the two-pronged effort in Syria and Iraq is hugely significant: "If Raqqa is the defacto capital of the Islamic State in Syria, Fallujah for all practical purposes is the most important Sunni heartland city in Iraq."

Strikes in France cause petrol shortages

Trade unions in France have hardened their strike against the government's proposed labour reforms. Six out of eight oil refineries are now at a standstill or are operating below capacity. Around one in five petrol stations is awaiting resupply. The French petrol industries union said the government had authorised the use of strategic reserves.

Violence after New Mexico Trump rally

Protesters have clashed with police outside a Donald Trump rally in New Mexico. Demonstrators threw burning T-shirts and bottles, and police in riot gear fired smoke grenades into the crowd. Protesters also interrupted Trump's speech at the rally in Albuquerque. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, wants a wall to be built along the border with Mexico.

Florence’s Arno riverbank collapses

A sinkhole near one of the world's most famous bridges, the Ponte Vecchio in Florence, has swallowed up several cars along the banks of the River Arno. The seven metre deep hole opened up early this morning, when a water mains pipe broke.

The weather

Sunny spells this afternoon, with a chance of rain showers in the mountains and the south. It will be cloudier and windy in the east. Top temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees.
