
News in English

Media: Clinton secures the Democratic nomination / 11 killed in bomb in Istanbul / Kremlin criticises NATO drills / Australian PM visits storm-affected areas / The Weather

Media: Clinton secures the Democratic nomination

A tally carried out by the Associated Press news agency says Hillary Clinton has clinched the Democratic nomination for the White House. The report said she'd got 2,383 delegates - a development which would make her the first woman ever chosen by a major political party in the US. Today sees contests in 6 more states including California and Clinton says she's still fighting for every vote: "according to the news we are on the brink of an historic, unprecedented moment. But we still have work to do don't we." However, Clinton's rival Bernie Sanders says she hasn't won yet, arguing that she was dependent on so-called super delegates who will not actually vote until the party convention in July. Sanders has insisted he's still in the race: "we have won primaries and caucuses in 20 states. And tomorrow in the most important primary in the whole democratic nominating process, we're going to win here in California."

11 killed in bomb in Istanbul

Turkish officials say 11 people, mostly police officers, have been killed in a car bomb blast in central Istanbul. Several others were wounded in the explosion which happened as a police bus passed through a tourist district. There's been no immediate claim of responsibility. Speaking to reporters, the Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said the fight against terrorists would continue "to the end", describing the attack as "unforgivable".

Kremlin criticises NATO drills

The Kremlin says military exercises being conducted by NATO in Poland are undermining trust and security on the continent. Yesterday, members of the military alliance launched their biggest ever joint exercise involving over 30,000 troops. The move comes ahead of a NATO summit in Warsaw. It's expected to decide that significant numbers of troops and equipment will be based in Poland and in the Baltic states, countries which have been concerned about the conflict in east Ukraine, where Moscow has been supporting separatist forces. Russia says any presence of NATO troops close to its borders is a threat to its security.

Australian PM visits storm-affected areas

Australia's Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has suspended his election campaign tour to visit areas of the country which have been ravaged by a powerful storm. The severe weather has battered the country's east coast for several days. At least 3 people have died and hundreds were forced to leave their homes.

The Weather

Much of the Austria will be sunny. But cloud in the mountains and storms and showers - some of them heavy - especially in the West in the region between Vorarlberg and Carinthia. Highs are ranging between 19 and 27 degrees.
