
News in English

Russia accused of war crimes in Syria / Aid reaches four Syrian towns / Colombia and FARC sign peace deal / Clinton-Trump first debate / “The Jungle” to close / The Weather

Russia accused of war crimes in Syria

Russian-backed Syrian government forces are continuing their fierce bombardment of rebel-held districts of Aleppo. At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council, the United States has accused Russia of barbarism over the offensive in Aleppo while British ambassador Matthew Rycroft has accused Moscow of war crimes: “The regime and Russia have plunged to new depths. In short it is difficult to deny that Russia is partnering with the Syrian regime to carry out war crimes.” Russia continues to claim it is targeting terrorists and says Western rhetoric may damage the possibility of solving the Syrian crisis.

Aid reaches four Syrian towns

Humanitarian aid has reached four besieged towns in Syria for the first time in six months. Two of the towns near Damascus are besieged by government forces, the others in Idlib province are surrounded by insurgents.

Colombia and FARC sign peace deal

World leaders including United Nations secretary general Ban Ki Moon and United States secretary of state John Kerry are gathering in Colombia today to witness the signing of a peace deal between the government and FARC rebels. Colombia’s president Juan Manuel Santos has said the end of a conflict that killed over a quarter of a million people over half a century is a chance to rebuild the country’s economy and society: “A country at war for fifty years is a country that has destroyed many of its values, many of its principles, many of its social networks. We have to reconstruct all of this.” Colombia holds a referendum next week on the peace deal with FARC. The country's second-largest rebel force, the ELN, has announced a unilateral ceasefire ahead of the referendum.

Clinton-Trump first debate

The leading candidates for the United States presidency Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump hold their first face-to-face debate this evening. A record-breaking audience is expected to watch the 90-minute televised debate at New York's Hofstra University.

“The Jungle” to close

The French President Francois Hollande, has said the migrant camp at Calais known as the Jungle is to be completely dismantled. Speaking in Calais, Hollande said Britain, where many of the migrants and refugees want to go, must play its part in resolving the crisis.

Bosnian Serbs defiant

Bosnian Serbs have voted overwhelming to keep January the 9th as their national holiday, despite a ruling by Bosnia's constitutional court that the referendum was illegal. The holiday marks the day in 1992 that Bosnian Serb nationalists declared the creation of their own state, leading to three years of war.

The Weather

Partly sunny with a few scattered showers. Top temperatures 16 to 23 degrees.
