
News in English

Congress rejects Obama veto on 9/11bill / Sudan accused of chemical weapons attacks / US considering military options in Syria / India Pakistan tensions escalate / Shimon Peres lying in state / Oil prices surge on OPEC cut / The weather


Congress rejects Obama veto on 9/11bill

The United States Congress has voted to override President Barack Obama's veto of a bill that would allow families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia. Most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi nationals, but the Saudi government has denied any links to the terrorists. It is the first veto override of Obama's presidency and means the bill becomes law. Obama has said it sets a dangerous precedent for individuals around the world to sue the US government and military, and that Congress had been influenced by the upcoming elections. “If you’re perceived as voting against 9/11 families right before an election, not surprisingly that’s a hard vote for people to take. But it would have been the right thing to do.” Saudi Arabia, a major US ally, lobbied extensively against the bill and has threatened to withdraw billions of dollars of US assets.

Sudan accused of chemical weapons attacks

Amnesty International has accused the government of Sudan of carrying out at least 30 chemical weapons attacks in Darfur this year, killing as many as 250 people. The human rights group has called on Sudan to allow United Nations investigators into Darfur. Jonathan Lob from Amnesty. “The vast majority of the suspected chemical weapons agents came from bombs that fell from planes. The Sudanese government is the only actor in the area that has an airforce.” Sudan dismissed the report.

US considering military options in Syria

United States officials say they have begun considering tougher responses to the Russian-backed Syrian government assault on Aleppo, including military options, after the failure so far to find a diplomatic solution to the Syrian conflict. Russia has rejected US calls for a seven-day truce, but said it is willing to support a 48-hour humanitarian pause in fighting in Aleppo.

India Pakistan tensions escalate

India says it has conducted what it called "surgical strikes" on suspected militants in Pakistani controlled territory in Kashmir. The Pakistani military has denied the strikes took place but accused India of unprovoked aggression in an exchange of fire at the frontier.

Shimon Peres lying in state

World leaders are arriving in Israel ahead of the funeral tomorrow of former president Shimon Peres. His body is lying in state outside the Knesset and tens of thousands of people are expected to pay their respects.

Oil prices surge on OPEC cut

The price of crude oil has surged after the oil producers’ cartel OPEC agreed to cut output for the first time in eight years. Oil ministers said the agreement would be finalised at a formal Opec meeting in November.

The weather

Mainly sunny and warm. Top temperatures 19 to 27 degrees.
