
News in English

The US suspends talks with Russia over Syria / 6,000 migrants rescued in the Mediterranean / Hurricane approaches Haiti / UNICEF warns of child poverty / Physics Nobel Prize awarded / The weather


The US suspends talks with Russia over Syria

The US has suspended talks with Russia over the collapsed ceasefire deal they agreed for Syria last month. Washington has accused Moscow and the Syrian government of intensifying attacks on civilians. White House spokesman Josh Earnest: "everybody's patience with Russia has run out. They've been reduced to either acting unilaterally or supporting the Iranians in dropping bunker-busting bombs on civilian hospitals in Aleppo. It's outrageous." Moscow says it regrets the US move and has accused Washington of shifting the blame for the collapse of last month's truce.

6,000 migrants rescued in the Mediterranean

Italian and Libyan officials say more than 6,000 refugees and migrants were rescued in the Mediterranean off the Libyan coast yesterday in one of the biggest rescue operations to date. This man was among those who were picked up - he said he had fled unrest in the Ivory Coast four years ago and had experienced kidnap and forced labour: "we are all human beings, whatever the colour of our skin. We don't do this because we really want to. We do this because we have to. If only people would welcome us because we are not there to harm them. The conditions in which we find ourselves are really unfavourable."

Hurricane approaches Haiti

One of the most powerful Atlantic hurricanes in recent years is closing in on Haiti, bringing strong winds, rains and storm surges. Hurricane Matthew - a Category Four storm - is forecast to hit the western tip of the country later today. The authorities are urging people to stock up on food and water.

UNICEF warns of child poverty

A new report from the UN's children's agency and the World Bank says nearly a fifth of children living in developing countries are living in extreme poverty. The report said sub-Saharan Africa was particularly badly affected and that governments need to focus more on helping children.

Physics Nobel Prize awarded

The Nobel Prize for Physics has just been awarded to 3 British-born scientists who work in the US. David Thouless, Duncan Haldane and Michael Kosterlitz won the prize for their contribution to understanding the properties of matter.

The weather

Mainly overcast and rainy, but the rain should gradually ease off. Most of the sunshine in the region between Vorarlberg and Upper Carinthia. A strong wind and highs ranging between 6 and 14 degrees, where the sun's out up to 17.
