
News in English

Campaigning winds up in US election / Beijing ruling bars Hong Kong lawmakers / Air pollution closes schools in India / Climate talks begin in Morocco / Ortega ahead in Nicaragua's election / The weather


Campaigning winds up in US election

The FBI has said that a fresh inquiry into Hillary Clinton's emails has found nothing to change the bureau's conclusion earlier this year that there was no evidence of criminal conduct. Clinton's campaign says it's "glad" that the issue had been resolved. But Christine Pelosi, a member of the Democratic National Committee, says the email saga has diverted attention from the real issues: "I think it absolutely lost us the opportunity to campaign as effectively as we could have on the signature issue in this election which is the economy. It really was 9 days wasted - over 20 million Americans who voted thinking - thinking - that there was a possible cloud over Hillary Clinton." Meanwhile, Donald Trump has revived his claim that the US presidential election is being rigged in Clinton's favour: "right now she's being protected by a rigged system. You can't review 650,000 new emails in a day. Can't do it folks. Hillary Clinton is guilty, she knows it, the FBI knows it, the people know it." Today is the final day of campaigning ahead of tomorrow's election.

Beijing ruling bars Hong Kong lawmakers

Officials in Beijing have intervened to bar two independent activists elected in Hong Kong from being sworn into office. The two, who are members of a party which emerged from the pro-democracy protests in 2014, were elected in September. But they deliberately misread the wording of their oaths, refusing to pledge allegiance to Beijing. Yesterday, around 10,000 people demonstrated in Hong Kong to protest at Beijing's intervention.

Air pollution closes schools in India

In India, officials in New Delhi have ordered schools to close for three days because of smog. All construction and demolition work has been banned for five days and water is being sprinkled onto main roads to help suppress dust. The public is being urged to stay indoors as much as possible.

Climate talks begin in Morocco

Two weeks of global climate talks are beginning today in Morocco with the aim of agreeing new rules to limit global warming. The meeting of 20,000 participants will be looking at how to implement the Paris Climate Agreement which was signed last December.

Ortega ahead in Nicaragua's election

Partial results from yesterday's presidential election in Nicaragua show that Daniel Ortega is heading for a third consecutive term in office. Officials say he's secured more than 70% of the vote. Ortega's popularity is being put down to social programmes and economic stability. But critics accuse him of manipulating the political system to stay in power.

The weather

Cloudy with some rain or snow in parts of Tyrol, Salzburg, Carinthia and Styria. Highs ranging between 1 and 9 degrees.
