
News in English

Appeals court rejects reinstatement of US travel Ban / Trump backs “One China” policy / Iran marks the anniversary of the Islamic revolution / Turkey set for vote on stronger presidency / Four arrested in anti-terror raids in France / Fillon under growing pressure to quit presidential race


Appeals court rejects reinstatement of US travel Ban

A US federal appeals court has rejected President Donald Trump´s latest attempt to reinstate his ban on citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries and all refugees. Trump responded with an angry tweet saying national security was at risk and there would be a legal challenge. The unanimous ruling, by a panel of three judges in San Francisco, will likely pave the way for a showdown in the Supreme Court. Bob Ferguson is the Attorney General for Washington State, who brought the initial legal case: "We respect that the president has broad authority when it comes to issuing executive orders. But, but, they still have to follow the constitution. That´s the bottom line."

Trump backs “One China” policy

The White House says President Trump has agreed to honour the so-called "One China" policy in a phone call with the Chinese President Xi Jinping. The One China policy establishes Beijing´s sovereignty over Taiwan. Trump had placed the long-standing policy in doubt when he spoke with Taiwan's president in December in a major break from protocol.

Iran marks the anniversary of the Islamic revolution

Hundreds of thousands of Iranians have taken to the streets to begin a nationwide celebration of the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution. President Hassan Rouhani said Iran would not be cowed by "war-mongering policies" against his country, amid increased tensions with the United States.

Turkey set for vote on stronger presidency

The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has given the go ahead for a national referendum on a constitutional amendment bill, which envisages a shift to an executive presidency. The country's electoral board will now set a date for the vote. Observers say it´s the most controversial political change in a generation.

Four arrested in anti-terror raids in France

French anti-terrorism forces have arrested four people on suspicion of planning a suicide attack in a tourist area of Paris. The suspects include a 22 year-old man and his 16 year-old girlfriend, both known to authorities for connections with radical Islam. TATP explosives, which were used in both the Paris and Brussels terror attacks, and other bomb-making materials, were discovered at the man´s home in Montpelier.

Fillon under growing pressure to quit presidential race

A new opinion poll in France shows that seven out of 10 voters want the conservative presidential candidate Francois Fillon to step down, amid corruption allegations. Fillon has apologised over the way hundreds of thousands of euros in taxpayers' money was paid to his wife, but has said the work she did was genuine and that he did nothing illegal.

Thousands protest in Romania for a 10th night

Despite the resignation yesterday of Romania’s justice minister Florin Iordache mass protests have continued for a tenth night. He had drafted a controversial decree that would have eased criminal penalties for government officials engaged in corruption. The government has since repealed the decree, but demonstrators continue to demand more high-level resignations.

The weather

Persistent mist or fog at lower elevations, sunny along the north of the Alps. Top temperatures from minus 2 to plus 10.
