
News in English

North Korea missile test „successful“ / Thousands join anti-Trump protests in Mexico / US dam risk forces mass evacuations / Romanians keep up the pressure on the government / Austria´s president and chancellor in Brussels talks / The weather


North Korea missile test „successful“

The United States, Japan and South Korea have requested an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council to discuss North Korea’s latest missile test. North Korea says it "successfully" fired a ballistic missile on Sunday in a test supervised by leader Kim Jong-un. The latest launch is the first big challenge to the new US president Donald Trump on how he approaches Pyongyang.

Thousands join anti-Trump protests in Mexico

Thousands of protesters in some 20 Mexican cities took to the streets on Sunday to express their fierce opposition to President Trump. They criticised his immigration policy and pledge to make Mexico pay for a border wall between the two countries.

US dam risk forces mass evacuations

Nearly 200,000 people living downstream from the tallest dam in the United States have been ordered to flee their homes, after a spillway appeared for a time to be in danger of imminent collapse. Following heavy rainfall, water started flowing over the sides of an emergency spillway at the 230m-high Oroville Dam in northern California. Doug Carlson from the California Department of Water Resources says the situation has now eased: "The lake level has actually been receding for some hours and has fallen below what I would call the spill over point of the emergency spillway. The largest dam in the United States is not threatened by what has gone on nearby."

Romanians keep up the pressure on the government

Tens of thousands of Romanians have braved sub-zero temperatures to protest for a 13th consecutive day. The mass protests started last month when the government passed an emergency decree that would have watered down laws which punish official corruption. The decree was repealed after the biggest street protests since the fall of communism. Protesters are now demanding the government´s resignation.

Austria´s president and chancellor in Brussels talks

The Austrian president Alexander Van der Bellen and chancellor Christian Kern are in Brussels today for talks with European Union leaders. They´ll be meeting the European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker and Council president Donald Tusk. They´re expected to discuss a rise in right-wing populism, as well as unemployment, refugee policy and combatting terrorism. It is Van der Bellen’s first official visit to Brussels since taking office.

The weather

Mostly sunny but some persistent fog. Top temperatures from minus 1 to plus 12.
