
News in English

Row between Malaysia and N Korea escalates / Trump announces new travel ban / Europe´s top court upholds Syrian visa rejection / Hungary moves to detain asylum seekers in camps / Austria considers banning rallies by foreign officials / Fillon secures unanimous party backing / The weather

Row between Malaysia and N Korea escalates

North Korea has banned Malaysians from leaving the country, a move that dramatically escalates the diplomatic row over the death of the North Korean leader's half-brother. Malaysia likened the ban to a hostage-taking and closed its borders to North Koreans who want to leave. Relations have deteriorated following the poisoning of Kim Jong Nam at Kuala Lumpur airport. A post mortem in Malaysia determined that he was killed by the nerve agent VX, a banned chemical weapon.

Trump announces new travel ban

The US President Donald Trump has signed a new executive order placing a 90-day ban on people from six mainly Muslim nations, after the first was blocked by the courts. Iraq has been removed from the original list after agreeing to additional vetting measures. The Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer says the new order is mean-spirited and un-American: "This executive order has everything to do with optics and nothing to do with national security. The truth is there is very little new or improved about this executive order."

Europe´s top court upholds Syrian visa rejection

The European Court of Justice has ruled that EU member states do not have to issue visas to people who want to enter their territory to apply for asylum. The court ruled on the case of a Syrian family from Aleppo who had applied for humanitarian visas to stay with acquaintances in Belgium. The Belgian government had refused, arguing it would open the floodgates to more asylum applications.

Hungary moves to detain asylum seekers in camps

The Hungarian parliament has reportedly approved measures to further tighten border controls. It´s also voted in favour of detaining people in camps along its southern border while their asylum applications are processed. The UN refugee agency has expressed its deep concern.

Austria considers banning rallies by foreign officials

The Turkish foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, is vowing to go ahead with a planned rally in Hamburg despite the closure of the venue, as he seeks to drum up support among Turks in Germany for next month´s referendum on extending the president´s powers. Meanwhile, the Austrian Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka says he wants to introduce a ban on foreign officials making speeches in Austria if human rights or public order are threatened. Tensions are escalating with Turkey over campaigning for the referendum in both Austria and Germany.

Fillon secures unanimous party backing

The leaders of the French centre-right Republican party have unanimously backed the embattled presidential candidate Francois Fillon after an emergency meeting. Fillon faces formal investigation for embezzlement. Leading Republicans failed to convince him to step down voluntarily and could not agree on an alternative candidate.

The weather

Mostly overcast with rain or snow along the north of the Alps, a mix of sun and showers in the east and south. Top temperatures from 1 to 13.
