100 Songs
Die Literaturliste und Playlist zum Ö1 Podcast.
Alle Songs zum Anhören in voller Länge in einer praktischen Playlist auf Spotify.
14. Mai 2024, 15:40
Miriam Makeba: "Pata Pata" (Südafrika, 1967)
- Allingham Rob (2009), "From 'Noma Kumnyama' to 'Pata Pata': A History", African Music, 8(3), 117-131
- Makeba Miriam, Mwamuka Nomsa (2004), "Makeba: The Miriam Makeba Story", Real African Publishers.
- Xaluva Nomfundo (2009), "An analysis of the musical style of Miriam Makeba", University Of Cape Town
Ton Steine Scherben: "Rauch Haus Song" (Deutschland, 1972)
- Reiser Rio, Eyber Hannes (2016), "König von Deutschland: Erinnerungen an Ton Steine Scherben und mehr", Kiwi Verlag
- Seidel Wolfgang (2020), "Scherben: Musik, Politik und Wirkung der Ton Steine Scherben", Ventil Verlag
Severina: "Djevojka sa sela" (Kroatien, 1998)
- Baker Catherine (2016), "Sounds of the Borderland: Popular Music, War and Nationalism in Croatia since 1991", Ashgate Publishing
- Jakiša Miranda (2013), "Kroatische Literatur heute: Realitätsbesessenheit und Protestkultur", Ost-West: Europäische Perspektiven 3/2013
Billie Eilish: "Bad Guy" (USA, 2019)
- Holmes Jessica (2023), "Billie Eilish and the Feminist Aesthetics of Depression: White Femininity, Generation Z, and Whisper Singing", Journal of the American Musicological Society Vol. 76, no. 3
- Pearson Elsa (2023), "Post-feminist luminosities: Negotiating covering the female body in the contemporary media environment", Central European University.
Marlene Dietrich: "Lili Marleen" (USA / Deutschland, 1944)
- Bergemeier, Horst/Lotz, Rainer E./Kühn, Volker (2005), "Lili Marleen an allen Fronten - Ein Lied geht um die Welt", Bear Family Records
- Frey Heike (2020), "Lilli Marleen hatt einen Kameraden: Musik in der Wehrmacht-Truppenbetreuung 1939–1945", Münster, New York: Waxmann 2020. De Gruyter.
- Schepping Wilhelm (2007), "Lili Marleen: Eine denkwürdige Liedbiographie. In: Good-bye memories? Lieder im Generationengedächtnis des 20. Jahrhunderts", Essen. Klartext Verlag.
- Wicke Peter, "Lale Andersen: Lili Marleen. Songlexikon: Encyclopedia of Songs", Zentrum für Populäre Kultur und Musik der Universität Freiburg.
Violeta Parra: "Gracias A La Vida" (Chile, 1966)
- Batlle Lathrop María (2021), "Violeta Parra: musical and political legacy of a cantora", Ethnomusicology Forum, 30(3), 358–378.
- Santiago Londono, "Violeta: An Ethnographic and Socio-Cultural Understanding of Parra's Artistic Sensibility", Wake Forest University.
The Cranberries: "Zombie" (Irland, 1993)
- Rolston Bill (2001), "This is not a rebel song': the Irish conflict and popular music", Race and Class Vol. 42(3) 2001: 49-67, University Of Ulster.
- Green, Clare Alexandra. (2019), "Identity, Authority and Myth-Making: Politically-Motivated Prisoners and the use of Music During the Northern Irish Conflict, 1962-2000", PhD Dissertation, Queen Mary, University of London.
Ivy Queen: "Quiero Bailar" (Puerto Rico, 2002)
- Rivera-Rideau Petra (2015), "Remixing Reggaetón: The Cultural Politics of Race in Puerto Rico", Duke University Press.
- Rivera Raquel Z., Marshall Wayne, Pacini Hernandez Deborah (2009), "Reggaeton: Refiguring American Music", Duke University Press.
João Gilberto: “Chega de Saudade“ (Brasilien, 1958)
- Castro Ruy (2000). "Bossa Nova: The story of the Brazilian music that seduced the world", A Capella Books
- McCann Bryann (2004). "Hello Hello: Popular Music in the Making of Modern Brazil", Duke University Press
- McCann Bryann (2018). "Getz / Gilberto", Bloomsbury Academic
- Prutsch Ursula, Rodrigues-Moura Enrique (2013). "Brasilien: Eine Kulturgeschichte", Transcript
The Maytals: “Pressure Drop“ (Jamaika, 1969)
- Cooper Carolyn (1995), "Noises in the Blood: Orality, Gender and the 'Vulgar' Body of Jamaican Popular Culture", Duke University Press
- Lloyd Bradley (2001), "Bass Culture: When Reggae Was King", Penguin UK
- Zips Werner (2015), "Hail di Riddim: Reportagen aus dem Reggaeversum", Promedia Verlag
- Zips Werner (2016), "Schwarze Rebellen: Maroon-Widerstand in Jamaica", Lit Verlag
- Zips Werner (2010), "Rastafari: Eine Universale Philosophie im Dritten Jahrtausend", Promedia
M.I.A.: “Paper Planes” (UK, 2008)
- Hutnyk John (2012), "Poetry after Guantanamo: M.I.A", Research Gate
- Rollefson Griffith J. (2017), "Flip the Script: European Hip Hop and the Politics of Postcoloniality, "The University Of Chicago Press
- Weems Lisa (2014), "Refuting "Refugee Chic": Transnational Girl(hood)s and the Guerilla Pedagogy of M.I.A", In: Feminist Formations, Vol.26 No.1. The Johns Hopkins University Press
Kraftwerk: “Trans Europa Express” (Deutschland, 1977)
- David Buckley (2015), “Kraftwerk: A Biography“, Omnibus Press
- Karl Bartos (2024), “Sound Of The Machine: My Life in Kraftwerk and Beyond“, Omnibus Press
- Uwe Schütte (2021), “Kraftwerk: Future Music From Germany”, Penguin Books
Dolly Parton: “9 to 5” (USA, 1980)
- Dolly Parton, Robert K. Oerman (2020), “Dolly Parton, Songteller: My Life in Lyrics“, Chronicle Books
- Jad Abumrad (2019), “Dolly Parton’s America“, WNYC Studios
Rainhard Fendrich: “I Am From Austria” (Österreich, 1989)
- Fendrich, Fechter, Chmelar (1995), “Fendrich: Texte, Bilder, Geschichten“, Fechter
- Georg Tidl (2013), “Waldheim: Wie es wirklich war!”, Löcker
- Klaus Nüchtern, Thomas Walach (2020), “Unser Land: Wie wir Heimat herstellen“, Falter Verlag
Stromae: “Alors On Danse” (Belgien, 2009)
- Thierry Coljon (2023), “Stromae - Les dessous d'un phénomène“, Mardaga
Ramones: “Blitzkrieg Bop” (USA, 1976)
- Legs McNeil, Gillian Cain (1997), “Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk“, Abacus
- Kembrew McLeod (2019), “The Downtown Pop Underground“, Harry N. Abrams
- Nicholas Rombes (2005), “Ramones - Ramones“, Continuum International Publishing Group
- Purcell Ryan (2020), “Sounds of the City Collapsing: Hearing Urban Crisis in New York City, 1969-1974“, Dissertation an der Cornell University
Mecano: “Hijo de la luna” (Spanien, 1986)
- Emilio Peral Vega (2014), “Mecano: Emblema y trascendencia de la otra Movida“, Königshausen & Neumann
- Elena Torres Clemente, Emilio Peral Vega (2024), “Mecano: Inspiración poética y genio musical“, Guillermo Escolar Editor
- Jesús Ordovás, Patricia Godes (2020), “Guía del Madrid de la Movida”, Anaya Touring
- Petra Pimminger (2001), “Historisch-kulturelle Aspekte der Movida Madrileña”, unveröffentlichte Diplomarbeit an der Universität Wien
Björk: “Jóga” (Island, 1997)
- Emiily MacKay (2017), “Björk's Homogenic“, Bloomsbury Academic
- Nicola Dibben (2009), “Bjork (Icons of Pop Music)”, Equinox Publishing
BTS: “봄날 Spring Day” (Südkorea, 2017)
- Michael Fuh (2015), “Globalization and Popular Music in South Korea“, Routledge
- Sarah Keith (2022), “BTS as Cultural Ambassadors: K-pop and Korea in Western Media“, Routledge
- Sarah Keith (2022), “Digital K-pop Fan Platforms in a Cosmopolitan World“, Routledge
Fairuz - Ya Tair (Libanon, 1966)
- Christopher Stone (2008), “Popular Culture and Nationalism in Lebanon: The Fairouz and Rahbani Nation“, Routledge
- Jonathan Marshall (2012), “The Lebanese Connection: Corruption, Civil War, and the International Drug Traffic“, Stanford University Press
- Michael Frishkopf (2010), “Music and Media in the Arab World“, The American University in Cairo Press
Tina Turner - What’s Love Got To Do With It (USA, 1984)
- Tina Turner mit Kurt Loder (1986), “I, Tina - My Life Story“, William Morrow and Company
- Tina Turner, Dominik Wichmann, Deborah Davis (2018), "My Love Story: Die Autobiografie", Penguin Verlag
Racionais MC’s - Diario de um Detento (Brasilien, 1997)
- John Burdick (2013), “The Colour of Sound: Race, Religion, and Music in Brazil“, New York University Press
- Derek Pardue (2021), “Racionais MCs: Sobrevivendo no Inferno“, Bloomsbury Academic
The Weeknd - Blinding Lights (Kanada, 2019)
- Alexandra Jovic (2020), “The Weeknd, the Eerie, and the Death Drive“, University of Zadar
- Kai Arne Hansen (2022), “Pop Masculinities“, Oxford University Press
- Nate Sloan, Charlie Harding (), "Switched On Pop: How Popular Music Works, and Why it Matters", Oxford University Press
Barbara - Göttingen (Frankreich, 1965)
- Andrea Rechenberg (2016), “Barbara“, Städtisches Museum Göttingen
- Barbara (2017), “Es war einmal ein schwarzes Klavier: unvollendete Memoiren“, Wallstein
- Marie Chaix (2013), “Barbara“, Libretto
ABBA - Fernando (Schweden, 1976)
- Philip Tagg (2018), “Fernando The Flute: Analysis of Musical Meaning in an Abba Mega-hit“, The Mass Media Music Scholars’ Press
- Elisabeth Vincentelli (2004), “Abba Gold (33 1/3)”, Continuum International Publishing
Suzanne Vega - Tom’s Diner (USA, 1987)
- Franz Miller (2015), “Die MP3 Story: Eine deutsche Erfolgsstory“, Hanser
- Peter Tschmuck (2021), “The Economics of Music”, Agenda Publishing
Missy Elliott - Work It (USA, 2002)
- Michael Rappe (2010), “Under Construction: Kontextbezogene Analyse afroamerikanischer Popmusik“, Lehmanns
- Verschiedene (2019), “Smithsonian Anthology of Hip-Hop and Rap“, Smithsonian Folkways Recordings
Billie Holiday - Strange Fruit (USA, 1939)
- Billie Holiday, William Duffy (1985), “Billie Holiday: Lady Sings the Blues“, Hal Leonard Corporation
- David Margolick (2001), “Strange Fruit: Billie Holiday and the Biography of a Song“, Ecco
- Julia Blackburn (2012), “With Billie: A New Look at the Unforgettable Lady Day“, Vintage
Band Aid - Do They Know It's Christmas? (Irland, 1984)
- Alex De Waal (1991), “Evil Days: 30 Years of War and Famine in Ethiopia“, Africa Watch
- Médecins Sans Frontières (2013), “Famine and forced Relocations in Ethiopia 1984-1986”, Médecins Sans Frontières
- Robert Keating (1986), “Live Aid Expose: Why It Doesn’t Spell Relief“, Spin Magazine
Daft Punk - One More Time (Frankreich, 2000)
- Marcel Vejmelka (2019), “French House, French Hype, French Touch: Ausprägungen und Auswirkungen der französischen elektronischen Musik der 1990er Jahre“, Hamburg University Press
- Martin James (2022), “French Connections: From Discotheque to Daft Punk And the Birth of French Touch“, Velocity Press
Higher Brothers - Made In China (China, 2017)
- Grégoire Bienvenu (2024), “Du Rap Chinois ? Hybridation, Médiatisation et Légitimation d'une Pollution Culturelle Contemporaine“
- Michael Cheuk (2020), “The politics and aesthetics of featuring in post-2017 Chinese hip hop“, Taylor & Francis
Julie Andrews - The Sound Of Music (USA, 1965)
- Caryl Flinn (2015), “The Sound of Music: The Complete Book and Lyrics of the Broadway Musical“, British Film Institute
- Tom Santopietro (2015), “The Sound Of Music Story“, St. Martin’s Press
- Ulrike Kammerhofer-Aggermann, Alexander Keul, Andrea Weiss (2000), “'The Sound of Music' zwischen Mythos und Marketing“, Salzburger Landesinstitut für Volkskunde
Ennio Morricone - The Good The Bad and The Ugly (Italien, 1966)
- Alessandro de Rosa, Ennio Morricone (2019), “Ennio Morricone: In His Own Words“, Oxford University Press
- Alexander Horwath (2014), “Das sichtbare Kino - Fünfzig Jahre Filmmuseum: Texte, Bilder, Dokumente“, Synema
- Richard Aquila (2001), “The Sagebush Trail: Western Movies and Twentieth Century America“, University Of Arizona Press
Aqua - Barbie Girl (Dänemark, 1997)
- Stan Hawkins (2015), “Queerness in Pop Music: Aesthetics, Gender Norms, and Temporality”, Routledge
- Stan Hawkins (2019), “The Bloomsbury Handbook of Popular Music Video Analysis”, Bloomsbury
- Timmy Fisher in: David Cheal, Jan Dalley (2012), “The Life of a Song Volume 2: The fascinating stories behind 50 more of the world’s best-loved songs’, Brewer’s
Jamala - 1944 (Ukraine, 2016)
- Catherine Baker (2015), “Gender and Geopolitics in the Eurovision Song Contest“, Contemporary Southeastern Europe Journal
- Paul Jordan (2001), “From Ruslana to Gaitana: Performing “Ukrainianness” in the Eurovision Song Contest“, Contemporary Southeastern Europe Journal
- Arve Hansen, Andrei Rogatchevski, Yngvar Steinholt, David-Emil Wickström (2019), “War of Songs: Popular Music and Recent Russia-Ukraine Relations“, Ibidem
- Galina Miazhevich (2012), “Ukrainian Nation Branding Off-line and Online“, Taylor & Francis
George Harrison - My Sweet Lord (UK, 1970)
- Philip Norman (2023), "George Harrison: The Reluctant Beatle", Simon Schuster UK
- Philip Norman (2025), "Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation", Blackstone Publishing
- Christine Feldman-Barrett (2022), "A Women’s History of the Beatles", Bloomsbury Academic
Selena - Amor Prohibido (USA, 1994)
- Cynthia Orozco, Emilio Zamora, Rodolfo Rocha (2000), "Mexican Americans in Texas History, Selected Essays", Texas State Historical Association
- Maria Garcia (2021), "Anything For Selena", Futuro Podcasts
- Sonya Aleman (2021), "A Selena Story: Teaching and Learning about la Reina de la musica Tejana" in “The Selena Reader”, University Of Texas Press
Lorde - Royals (Neuseeland, 2012)
- Duncan Greive (2013), "A portrait of Lorde as a teenage pop prodigy", Artikel auf The Spinoff
- Veronica Bayetti Flores (2013), "Wow that Lorde song is racist", Artikel auf Feministing
Wizkid, Tems - Essence (Nigeria, 2020)
- Christian Adofo (2022), "A Quick Ting On Afrobeats", Jacaranda Books
Konzept und Gestaltung: Stefan Niederwieser. Redaktion und Studioregie: Astrid Schwarz. Podcast-Produktion: Monika Kalcsics. Redaktionsleitung: Ina Zwerger.
Eine Produktion des Ö1 Radiokollegs in Zusammenarbeit mit ORF SOUND.