Fuko Katsuda


Ö1 Talentebörse

Fuko Katsuda, Grafik - Gewinnerin der Ö1 Grafik 2024

In Kooperation mit den österreichischen Kunstuniversitäten präsentiert Ö1 junge Künstlertalente Österreichs. Fuko Katsuda, geboren 1995 in Osaka, Japan, lebt und arbeitet in Wien. Sie studiert Zeichnung und Druckgrafik an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien und ist die Gewinnerin der Ö1 Grafik des Jahres 2024.

Junge Künstlerinnen und Künstler im Porträt

I am a drawer, painter, printmaker and animator based in Vienna. My work
often represents the relationship between human-beings and non human-beings by
using gentle and animistic expressions. I like science fiction, acid-folk and

Die Grafik des Jahres 2024 von Fuko Katsuda

Mit "First Piercing" behandelt Fuko Katsuda das Thema Schmerz, als etwas das sie in sich trägt und nicht loszuwerden versucht.

Grafik First Piercing

First Piercing Algraphie und Siebdruck auf Papier, 30x40 cm, 2024


Was ist Kunst?

Desire to know the wonders of life.

Wie sind Sie zur Kunst gekommen?

To be honest, there’s no how, why and since when I’ve came to art. I’ve been loving to draw and paint and somehow i am still able to continue it today. It’s like magic.

Kommt Kunst von können, müssen oder wollen?

It comes form wanting to, then transforms into being able to, and at the end becomes having to.

Wo würden Sie am liebsten ausstellen/auftreten/inszenieren?

I would like to draw on sand beaches and witness the whole moments of how my drawing is swept away by the waves and going back to the ocean.

Mit wem würden Sie gerne zusammenarbeiten?

Trees, flowers, stones, insects and a sound of wind.

Wie viel Markt verträgt die Kunst?

The answer would be differed by what definition this “Market” has, but I would say it’s a lot. Of course it’s always up to the artist, if they want their works get involved in the market or not. However your life is limited, so no matter how you were against publishing or selling your artworks during your lifetime, there might be someone who find your works and put them on the market without your permission after your death. Like Henry Darger.

Und wie viel Kunst verträgt der Markt?

It’s for sure unlimited, as long as they want to keep up with this exclusive game of capitalism. But don’t you think it’s probably the time to talk about how art market can (and should) distribute art and make it accessible to “everyone” instead of of talking about the capacity of the art market?

Wofür würden Sie Ihr letztes Geld ausgeben?

One of my biggest dreams is being an opal after my death. When I was researching how to, I came across an article that said, if you really want to get opalized, purchasing an active volcano is recommended - since it’s an ideal place to bury your remains, in order to get more chances to be an opal in eight hundred thousand years after your death. I know that it sounds unrealistic but I would love to spend my last money on that (Only if I have enough…)

Wo sehen Sie sich in zehn Jahren?

I get this question quite often but I only can see myself at the very present moment.

Haben Sie einen Plan B?

I don’t even have a plan A.

Wann und wo sind Sie das letzte Mal unangenehm aufgefallen?

It’s not unusual that I get unwanted attentions in this whiteful country as an Asian person. But here I give you a funny one, that doesn’t relate to my race. I was in a shop holding my dragon plushie, and one elderly lady came to me and asked “Is it real or a baby?”. Her question made me very confused and I still rethink about it sometimes.

Wollen Sie die Welt verändern?

No, because what we, as human-beings, can change is only the society. The world doesn’t exist for us, we just happen to exist in the world, and the idea of changing the world is veryarrogant, stupid and anthropocentric.


Ö1 Talentebörse