Intrada - Österreichs Musizierende im Porträt

Der Chorleiter Michael Schneider ++ Faszination Gaming Music ++ poemmusic - Gebärdensprachepoesie und Musik an der Bruckneruni




Komponist/Komponistin: Imogen Holst
Textdichter/Textdichterin, Textquelle: John Keats
Album: Welcome Joy - A Celebration of Women's Voices
Titel: Welcome Joy and Welcome Sorrow (Allegretto)
Gesamttitel: Welcome Joy and Welcome Sorrow - 6 Gedichte für Frauenstimmen und Harfe
Untertitel: Six Part-Songs for Three-part Female Voices and Harp For the Aldeburgh Festival
für 3stimmigen, für dreistimmigen Frauenchor, drei Stimmen, 3-stimmigen
Chor: Corvus Consort
Leitung: Freddie Crowley
Solist/Solistin: Louise Thomson /Harfe
Länge: 01:40 min
Label: Chandos CHSA5350

Komponist/Komponistin: Elizabeth Poston
Album: Welcome Joy - A Celebration of Women's Voices
Titel: An English Day-Book - für zwei- bis vierstimmigen Frauenchor und Harfe
* Nr. 1 A Bellman's Song. Poco maestoso - Meno mosso
Textanfang: Maids to bed, and cover coal! Let the mouse out of her hole! Crickets in the chimney sing
* Nr. 2 Te lucis ante terminum. Plainsong, smooth and flowing -
Textanfang: Te lucis ante terminum, rerum Creator poscimus
* Nr. 3 A Night Curse. Con brio - Largamente maestoso - Lento
Textanfang: Within and without all place about, and through the virtue of His might let no thief enter in this night.
* Nr. 4 Lemady: Maying Song. Moderato - A shade quicker - Con spirito - A tempo con grazia - Poco più mosso - Meno mosso - Tempo I
Textanfang: Arise! O hark! The nightingales are singing
* Nr. 5 A Charm against the Bumble Bee. Moderato - Tempo giusto - Tempo I
Textanfang: Avaunt from us, false bumble bee, in thy busy buzzing
* Nr. 6 Interlude for Harp. Molto moderato -
* Nr. 7 The Noonday Heat (Air by William Boyce, 1710 - 1779). Andante piacevole
Textanfang: Tell me, lovely shepherd, where thou feed'st at noon thy fleecy care
* Nr. 8 Running Set: Spring. Con brio
Textanfang: 'Jug-a-jug' ... Spring, the sweet Spring is the year's pleasant king
* Nr. 9 Evening Song (The Priest's Chant). Tranquillo
Textanfang: Farewell, shepherds all, and maidens fair
* Nr.10 Sweet Suffolk Owl. Andante semplice
Textanfang: Sweet Suffolk Owl, so trimly dight
* Nr.11 A Bellman's Song (Mvt 1 abridged). Poco maestoso
Textanfang: Maids to bed, and cover coal! Let the mouse out of her hole
Chor: Corvus Consort
Leitung: Freddie Crowley
Solist/Solistin: Louise Thomson /Harfe
Länge: 22:59 min
Label: Chandos CHSA5350

Komponist/Komponistin: Hilary Campbell/geb.1983
Textdichter/Textdichterin, Textquelle: Juliana von Norwich/um 1342-nach 1416
Album: Welcome Joy - A Celebration of Women's Voices
Titel: Our Endless Day - für dreistimmigen Frauenchor und Harfe
* Spaciously, reverentially Viertel = 50 - Viertel = 60 - Viertel = 50
3stimmigen, 3-stimmigen
Chor: Corvus Consort
Leitung: Freddie Crowley
Solist/Solistin: Louise Thomson /Harfe
Länge: 03:53 min
Label: Chandos CHSA5350

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