
News in English

Starvation reported in Syria / Syria cites security contacts with West / Thai election “to go ahead” / Terror attacks kill dozens in Iraq / Egypt referendum continues / Israel’s Ya’alon apologises / World Bank forecasts stronger growth / The weather


Starvation reported in Syria

The United Nations is asking donor countries at a meeting in Kuwait for over 6 and a half billion dollars to deal with the humanitarian emergency created by the civil war in Syria. Reports from Syria say civilians are facing starvation in areas cut off by fighting. Chris Gunness is a spokesman for the UN’s relief agency: “It’s unimaginable. There’s widespread malnutrition. There’s a complete lack of medical care. Women are dying in childbirth. People have been surviving on diets of stale vegetables and animal feed.”

Syria cites security contacts with West

The Syrian government has said intelligence services of many western countries have visited Damascus for discussions with the regime on combating radical Islamist groups. Deputy foreign minister Faisal Mekdad said the contacts appeared to show a rift between the political and security authorities in some western countries opposed to the Syrian president, Bashar Assad.

Thai election “to go ahead”

Thailand’s government has said a general election will go ahead as scheduled on February 2nd, after protest leaders boycotted a meeting to discuss its postponement. Demonstrations are continuing in Bangkok with protesters saying they will continue until Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra resigns.

Terror attacks kill dozens in Iraq

Bomb attacks in Iraq have killed over 50 people near the northern town of Baquba and in the capital Baghdad. Officials said at least 18 died in the worst incident when a suicide bomber targeted a funeral near Baquba.

Egypt referendum continues

In Egypt, voting is continuing on the second and final day of a referendum on a new constitution, meant to replace the document passed under the deposed Islamist president Mohammed Morsi. Eleven people were killed and over 40 injured yesterday in clashes between security forces and Morsi's supporters.

Israel’s Ya’alon apologises

Israel’s defence minister Moshe Ya’alon has been forced to apologise for remarks in which he described United States secretary of state John Kerry as obsessive and messianic, in his efforts to broker a peace deal in the Middle East. Ya’alon’s remarks, made in private to US and Israeli officials, were reported in the Israeli media.

World Bank forecasts stronger growth

The World Bank says prospects for the global economy have improved. It says richer countries are finally putting the financial crisis behind them, helping growth in developing economies, but warned that an end to economic stimulus measures in the United States could carry risks.

The weather

Cloud clearing to a mainly sunny afternoon, with some foggy patches. Top temperatures minus 1 to plus 9 degrees.
