
News in English

Memorial service for Germanwings victims / UN Security Council views chemical weapons attack video / Spanish former IMF chief under investigated for fraud / Clashes as xenophobic attacks continue in South Africa / Pollution fears ahead of Rio Olympics / The weather


Memorial service for Germanwings victims

A state memorial service for the victims of last month’s Germanwings plane crash is being held in Cologne. Investigators have concluded that the co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz, deliberately crashed the Airbus A-320 into a mountain in the French Alps - killing all 150 people on board. The plane was on a flight from Barcelona to Düsseldorf and most of the victims were either German or Spanish. Journalist Julian Reichl from the Bild newspaper says today’s service at Cologne Cathedral is important for Germans: “It’s so incomprehensible to most people what actually happened there. The country really needs this moment where people can come together and come to peace with what happened.”

UN Council views chemical weapons video

The United Nations Security Council has been shown video evidence of an apparent chlorine gas attack last month in Syria. The UN ordered the removal and destruction of Syria’s chemical stockpile back in 2013, but chlorine was not declared as a chemical weapon because of its industrial usage. The video footage shows three children who died despite efforts to revive them. Dr. Zaher Sahloul of the Syrian-American Medical Society talked about the reaction of the Security Council members: “Some of them were crying. Many of them spoke outside of the diplomatic language. And many of them have said that this is outrageous and the perpetrators should be brought to justice.”

Former IMF chief under investigated for fraud

Spanish authorities have searched the home and office of the former head of the International Monetary Fund, Rodrigo Rato, who’s suspected of fraud and money laundering. Rato, who headed the IMF from 2004 to 2007, says he plans to cooperate fully with investigators. He also served as Spain’s Finance Minister under the conservative government of Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar.

Clashes as xenophobic attacks in South Africa

There have been further attacks overnight on foreign-owned business in South Africa – following a recent wave of xenophobic violence against migrants that has left at least five people dead. Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse crowds in eastern Johannesburg. Journalist Milton Nkosi says many in the country accuse African immigrants of taking jobs: “South Africa’s unemployment is at least 24%. The immigrants coming in from other parts of the continent are undercutting them by taking lower salaries.”

Pollution fears ahead of Rio Olympics

In Brazil, renewed environmental concerns have been raised as Rio de Janeiro prepares to host next year’ Olympic Games. In the past week, workers have removed more than 33 tons of dead fish from the lagoon where the rowing and canoeing events are due to take place. Scientists say the fish were starved of oxygen because of pollution.

The weather

This afternoon’s weather: cloudy with rain and even thunder spreading across the country. Highs today are ranging from 12 to 20 degrees.
