
News in English

FIFA sponsors unsettled by corruption allegations / US military admits shipping deadly anthrax / Santorum announces US presidential bid / Cameron to discuss reform plans with EU leaders / Militants destroy artifacts at historic Syrian site / Greece says bailout deal imminent / The weather


FIFA sponsors unsettled by corruption allegations

One of the main sponsors of the football World Cup, VISA, says it will review its relationship with the sport, following the arrest of several senior figures from football's world governing body FIFA on corruption charges. Football expert Keir Radnedge says the move may be just be the beginning, with other sponsors such as Adidas and Coca-Cola also expressing concerns. “FIFA went to inordinate lengths and it cost them huge amounts of money to bring VISA on board as a sponsor initially. So, it’s the first sign really that the sponsors are starting to get really jittery about what’s going on.” Seven senior FIFA officials were arrested yesterday as part of dual investigations carried out by the Swiss and US justice authorities. Investigators are looking into allegations of bribery, fraud and money laundering and the bidding process for the 2018, 2022 and 2010 World Cups. The European football body UEFA says it's considering boycotting elections tomorrow for the FIFA presidency, with incumbent Sepp Blatter expected to win a 5th term in office.

US military admits shipping deadly anthrax

The US military has admitted that it mistakenly sent live samples of deadly anthrax bacteria to 9 laboratories across the country and a US army base in South Korea. Officials say the samples, which were sent by standard courier, were supposed to be deactivated.

Santorum announces US presidential bid

Former US senator Rick Santorum has announced that he will seek the Republican nomination for next year's US presidential election. The Christian conservative finished second in the 2012 Republican primaries to Mitt Romney, winning several key states. Santorum launched his presidential bid at a rally in Pennsylvania. “Working families don’t need another president tied to big government or big money. And today is the day, today is the day we’re going to begin to fight back.”

Cameron to discuss reform plans with EU leaders

British Prime Minister David Cameron is beginning a tour of European capitals today, in an effort to convince EU leaders to back his reform proposals. Cameron will discuss reshaping Britain’s relationship with the bloc, including plans to restrict EU migrants’ access to welfare benefits. The UK government has pledged to hold a referendum on Britain's EU membership by 2017.

Militants destroy artifacts at historic Syrian site

Officials in Syria say they're receiving reports that Islamic State militants have begun destroying ancient artifacts, including several statues, in the town of Palmyra. UNESCO says around 400 statues were removed from the world heritage site, before it fell to IS earlier this month.

Greece says bailout deal imminent

Greece says it expects to reach a deal with its creditors by Sunday to release seven billion euros of bailout funds. Talks have been dragged out amid a disagreement over Greek reform plans.

The weather

Generally sunny conditions have been forecast for this afternoon, with some heavier cloud in the east. Top temperatures today will range from 15 to 23 degrees.
