
News in English

US blames China for massive cyber-attack / Greek anger over new reform proposals / Court backs France in right to die case / China rights capsized Yangtze ship / Many die in Nigerian market attack / National mourning declared for Ghana fire victims / The weather


US blames China for massive cyber-attack

The FBI is investigating a cyber-attack that is believed to have compromised the data of at least four million current and former US federal employees. Officials believe Chinese hackers were behind the attack. The Chinese foreign ministry has described the allegation as irresponsible. The Office of Personnel Management suffered what appeared to be one of the largest breaches of information ever on government workers. The office handles employee records and security clearances. Dr Herb Lin is a specialist on cyber policy and security: "Now it´s not just a question of compromising the personal information and identities of any of these people for fraud purposes. Now there´s a potential national security threat here. For example, some of these people are no doubt going to have access to pretty sensitive information, perhaps classified, highly classified information."

Greek anger over new reform proposals

The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is to address parliament today as he faces growing opposition from within his own party to demands by international creditors for further tough economic reforms. The debate comes a day after Greece said it would delay a repayment of 300 million euros to the International Monetary Fund. Greece has accepted an offer from the IMF to bundle four payments in June into a single 1.6 billion euro lump sum due at the end of the month.

Court backs France in right to die case

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has ruled that French doctors can stop treating a man left comatose after a motorcycle accident seven years ago, turning down an appeal by his parents in a legal battle that has divided his family. Judges confirmed a decision by a French court last year that the man had been clear he did not want to be kept in a vegetative state. The case has drawn nationwide attention.

China rights capsized Yangtze ship

Chinese salvage workers have righted the ship which capsized on the Yangtze River after being caught in a storm on Monday. Just 14 of the 456 passengers and crew are known to have survived what looks set to be China's worst shipping disaster in more than 60 years. Authorities say the chances of finding anyone still alive are slim.

Many die in Nigerian market attack

Nigerian civil defence officials say a bomb blast near a market in the north eastern city of Yola has killed 31 people. Nearly 40 others were wounded. The attack is said to bear the hallmarks of the extremist Boko Haram movement.

National mourning declared for Ghana fire victims

Ghana has announced three days of national mourning, starting on Monday, following a fire at a petrol station in the capital, Accra, which killed 175 people.

The weather

Plenty of sunshine, with isolated showers or thunder storms in the west. Highs today from 25 to 33.
