
News in English

Hungary declares state of emergency / Austro-German talks on migration crisis / Refugee boat sinks off Turkey – 22 dead / France to strike IS in Syria / North Korea “restarts” nuclear complex / Turnbull new Australian PM / The weather


Hungary declares state of emergency

The Hungarian government has declared a state of emergency in the south of the country, paving the way for the army to be deployed to its border with Serbia. The move comes as tough new laws meant to stop the huge flow of refugees and migrants takes effect. Zoltan Kovacs is the Hungarian government spokesman: "Cutting or damaging the fence is going to be a crime and obviously illegal border crossing is going to be a crime. But I also should mention that there are going to be draconian new rules against human traffickers, that is organised crime."

Austro-German talks on migration crisis

A record 20,000 refugees and migrants crossed from Hungary into eastern Austria on Monday, with a further 5,500 arriving in Burgenland so far today. Austria, Slovakia and the Netherlands have followed Germany in moving to reintroduce border controls. The Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann says troops are also being deployed, mainly to provide humanitarian help within Austria, but they could be sent to the border if necessary. The chancellor, vice Chancellor and interior minister are meeting in Berlin today with the German leader Angela Merkel to discuss the migration crisis. Meanwhile, EU interior ministers meeting in Brussels have failed to reach agreement on a plan to share 120,000 refugees currently in Italy, Greece and Hungary. They did, however, agree to relocate 40,000 people.

Refugee boat sinks off Turkey – 22 dead

Turkish media say 22 people, including four children, have drowned after a 20-meter wooden boat sank off Turkey´s coast. Some 200 others were rescued.

France to strike IS in Syria

The French President Francois Hollande has announced that France will conduct airstrikes in Syria to fight the Islamic State group. Until now, France has only conducted airstrikes in Iraq as a member of the US-led coalition.

North Korea “restarts” nuclear complex

North Korea has, for the first time, acknowledged that its main nuclear complex is operating again and says it´s working to improve the "quality and quantity" of its weapons which it could use against the United States quote at "any time." The reactor in Yongbyon had been shuttered since 2007 under an international agreement.

Turnbull new Australian PM

Malcolm Turnbull has been sworn in as Australia's new prime minister, after his conservative Liberal Party colleagues voted 54-44 on Monday night to replace Tony Abbott .Turnbull is a self-made multi-millionaire who has strong links with the business community. He is the former chairman of the Australian Republican Movement.

The weather

A mix of cloud, sunshine and isolated showers, with highs from 17 to 25.
