
News in English

Euro 2016 begins amid unprecedented security / Obama endorses Clinton as Democrat nominee / Thousands to attend Muhammed Ali farewell / Kurdish group claims Istanbul bombing / First aid in four years reaches Daraya / Schaeuble in new “Brexit” warning / Kuczynski wins Peru´s presidential run-off

Euro 2016 begins amid unprecedented security

Unprecedented security measures are in place in Paris, where the Euro 2016 football tournament gets underway later today. Around 10,000 private security personnel have been brought in, in addition to 90,000 police and troops who will be deployed for the month-long event. France remains on high alert after the November terror attacks. The country´s also facing serious disruption to transport, refuse and other services, as unions continue their industrial action.

Obama endorses Clinton as Democrat nominee

The US President Barack Obama has officially endorsed Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Party´s presidential nominee. The endorsement came in an online video after Obama met the Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who has been challenging Clinton for the nomination. Obama said she may be the most qualified person "ever" for the role of president: "Look - I know how hard this job can be. That´s why I know Hillary will be so good at it. In fact, I don´t think there´s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office."

Thousands to attend Muhammed Ali farewell

Tens of thousands of people will say a final farewell to the US boxing legend Muhammad Ali today in his home city of Louisville, Kentucky. The heavyweight champion and rights activist died last Friday at the age 74. The former President Bill Clinton will deliver one of the eulogies at an interfaith memorial service.

Kurdish group claims Istanbul bombing

A Kurdish militant group has claimed responsibility for a car-bomb attack in Istanbul on Tuesday that killed 11 people and wounded 36. In a statement posted online, the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons also warned tourists that Turkey was no longer secure for them. The group is an offshoot of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK.

First aid in four years reaches Daraya

The Syrian Arab Red Crescent and the United Nations have delivered food and other aid to the Damascus suburb of Daraya for the first time since it came under siege in 2012. Some 4,000 people are believed to be trapped by Syrian government forces in Daraya. The UN says the Syrian government has approved access to 15 of the 19 besieged areas within Syria.

Schaeuble in new “Brexit” warning

The German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble says other countries may seek to leave the European Union, if Britain decides to leave the bloc in the referendum on June 23. He told the German news magazine Der Spiegel that Europe would work without Britain, if necessary, but a Brexit would be a warning and a wake-up call.

Kuczynski wins Peru´s presidential run-off

The veteran economist Pedro Pablo Kuczynski appears to have won Peru's run-off presidential election. With all votes counted, the electoral commission said he received 50.12% support, against 49.88% for his rival, Keiko Fujimori.

The Weather

Mostly sunny with the chance of thundery showers, especially in the east and south east. Top temperatures from 17 to 26.
