
News in English

Five police shot dead in Dallas / NATO approves deployment against Russia / US and S. Korea deploy missile shield / Shiite site attacked in Iraq / Austrian president leaves office / May frontrunner as next British PM / The weather


Five police shot dead in Dallas

Five police officers have been shot dead in Dallas Texas, at a peaceful protest against police killings of black men. Six officers were wounded in the sniper attacks and some are in critical condition. At least one protestor was also wounded. The police say the snipers appeared to have planned to kill and injure as many officers as they could. US media are reporting that one suspect who was in a stand-off with police and had claimed bombs had been placed in the city has shot himself dead. Police say three suspects have been arrested. President Barack Obama, who is in Warsaw for a major NATO summit, paid tribute to police who he said were killed trying to do their job: “There is no possible justification for these kinds of attacks, nor for any violence against law enforcement. Today our focus is on the victims and their families. They are heartbroken. The entire city of Dallas is grieving and we’re grieving with them.”

NATO approves deployment against Russia

NATO leaders at the Warsaw summit are expected to formally approve the deployment of up to four thousand troops in the Baltic States and eastern Poland, following Moscow’s seizure of the Crimea and involvement in the conflict in east Ukraine. This is the first deployment of Nato troops specifically to deter Russia in more than a quarter of a century, since the reunification of Germany. Russia has said it remains open to dialogue and cooperation with NATO.

US and S. Korea deploy missile shield

The United States and South Korea have said they will deploy an advanced missile defence system in the South, able to detect North Korean missiles and shoot them down. China has objected strongly to the deployment saying it will harm regional peace and stability. Analysts say China is concerned the system’s radar could see far into its territory.

Shiite site attacked in Iraq

In Iraq at least 35 people have been killed and over 60 wounded when suicide bombers attacked a Shiite holy site in Balad, north of Baghdad. The Islamic State terror group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Austrian president leaves office

Austrian president Heinz Fischer leaves office today after serving two terms. The three parliamentary presidents fulfil the role, until his successor takes office following the repeat second round of the presidential election on October 2nd.

May frontrunner as next British PM

May frontrunner as next British PM
In Britain, MPs from the governing Conservative Party have chosen two female leadership candidates. The winner is expected to take over as prime minister in early September, after a vote of party members. The frontrunner, interior minister Theresa May, supported Britain remaining in the European Union. Her rival, Andrea Leadsom, was a prominent leave campaigner.

The weather

Mainly sunny. Scattered thundershowers in the south west. Top temps 24 to 31 degrees.
